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y/n; hotchner do i have the right to kill someone😇

hotch: what? no?

spencer: y/n she wasn't flirting with me.

y/n: mhm...she was trying to get your number. i could see it.

spencer: she was asking a couple questions!

y/n: with her tits out..

y/n: i saw her pull her shirt down before she walked over.

spencer: it's not like i was looking

derek: r they having their first fight?

derek: in the gc..

emily: yes now leave them alone it's interesting..

y/n: she was trying so hard to get your attention down to her boobs though!

spencer: but i never looked cause i don't like her i don't even know her! i would never let someone else flirt with me..

y/n: mhm..

jj: spence admit she was flirting with you then buy y/n a dr pepper cause she hasn't had one all day

emily: mhm and this case is stressful so i think she needs to calm down.

derek: personally i would've told her before she even walked over to me that i had a gf

emily: derek your going to making this worse...

derek: oops

hotch: y/n? spencer? are you alright? do you need to go back to the hotel? actually don't answer that go back to the hotel for thirty minutes and cool down. if we need your help we will call y'all.

spencer : we literally don't need to go to the hotel??

y/n: why are you putting us in timeout?

hotch: go before i change my mind and put extra paper work on your desk when we get back.

y/n: fine🙄🙄

derek: they ab to release some other type of anger...


jj: their ab to release some angry sex demons fr



garcia: guys don't say that they could just talk it out..

derek: yes ma'am i will not say that again

emily: *cough* whipped *cough*

hotch: everyone get back to work.

emily: yes sir😇

derek: whose whipped now huh?

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