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y/n: is there a bathroom i can use i think i need to throw up

y/n; istg i'm never going salsa dancing then going to drink again

emily: i can't even do anything

jj: it's so fucking bright

garcia: i think i'm dying

y/n: it's to loud

derek: i see beth

y/n; give me something greasy ear muffs and a gun i'll shoot her

emily: i'll bite her head off

jj: ugh let's eat after this pls

garcia: i want waffles

y/n: IHOP 🙏


y/n: emily tell hotch after he's done

y/n: i'm about to like fall asleep istg

emily: nah bitch you mean pass out

emily: i see u swaying back and forth

y/n: same thing tbh

emily: 😧

jj; y/n hon stay close to us pls so we can catch u if u pass out

y/n; it's hot and i don't have water i'm gonna shoot someone if hotch doesn't hurry

garcia: i see him

y/n: emily talk to beth fr

emily: i might punch her

emily; i will only say sum of aaron does

y/n: no u won't

emily; istg if u don't move i'm gonna push u and make everyone run over u

y/n: i'm moving bruh spencer was going slow

y/n: i see the jealously in emily's eyes🙈

jj: same

garcia: let's beat her up

derek: personally i can't hit women so i'll record🤪

rossi: hey i don't think you have to beat up every single person you see.

y/n: you wouldn't get it sir

derek; didn't you pee someone?

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