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"Ocean you have to get back out there", Heather said rubbing my bare back. We walked into the club and I rolled my eyes at all the drinking, dancing, and just everything going on. This wasn't a place I would usually spend my time.

I was usually in my dorm room snuggling with Ben or going out to different diners and places with Ben. My life revolved around Ben until about a week ago. He broke up with me and I had been mourning that. According to Heather, my older sister, I had wasted too much time on him so she decided to purchase me a fake ID so I could find someone to bury my sorrows into.

"I'm only staying till 12 then I'm leaving", I yelled to coral over the music. I hated everything about this. I listened to music quietly and used it as a method to calm myself down when I was anxious. This type of music was everything I was against.

"Fine. I don't care. Just try to have fun", she said and then turned to the bar to order us some drinks. She handed to the tall glass of blue liquid and I sipped on it. It burned the back of my throat but it was fruity, which I loved so I continued to sip.

"This is Logan", Heather said and I shook the blonde boys hand," He is a sophomore at your college."

"Nice to meet you", I said and he smirked.

"You too. You're very beautiful", he said and pulled me over so I was standing next to him. His behavior made me uncomfortable but I kept a smile on my face because if Heather saw me pouting she would throw a fit. I didn't want to be anywhere near this guy. How was I suppose to get to know him and form a relationship with him in such a loud environment. 


"Do you wanna dance?", he asked and I nodded. I set my drink on the table and he guided me on to the dance floor.

Dancing was one of my favorite things in the world. I love ballet, hip hop, and just beautiful dancing. It was fun to do and fun to watch but this wasn't. I didn't like dancing to please a man, and this was exactly that. Dancing was a form of art to me and it always would be but dancing on a man like this wasn't something i wanted or liked. Dancing was for show. I understood why people liked this or why people came to clubs to dance with their girlfriends but it wasn't for me. I kept my art and my love away from these kind of things.

"Sure", I agreed. I wasn't excited but the point of tonight was to have fun and move on, something I didn't do enough. I hadn't danced like this before so I figured I should give it a shot. We got to the middle of the dance floor and I was terrified. There were hundreds, maybe thousands of people around us that I didn't even know and for all I know there intentions could be terrible. How could someone ever stand in this crowd of people and dance with our fear in their hearts.

"Relax", he hummed into my ear as he pulled my body closer to his so that my butt was right against his crotch. He held my hips against him and moved them against him. I felt him grow underneath me and I was disgusted. It was natural and I was okay with that but I knew I didnt want him and I didn't want to be doing something like this with him

"Stop", I said pushing him away from me and he was confused. He tried to pull me back to him but I resisted. 

"You don't like me?", he asked as if he had never been let down by a girl before.


"Then go, bitch, I don't like you either", he said pushing my small body into a large group of people. They seemed mad that I had bumped into them but I smiled and turned the other direction to find a bathroom to hide in. I had barely been here a few minutes but I was going to leave. I walked to the bar and pulled my phone out of my bag. I had no missed calls, texts, or any notifications from Ben and that killed me. I wish he regretted his decision to leave me but I knew he wouldn't.

"Where is the bathroom?", I asked as I reached the female bartender. She smiled at me seeing the worry in my eye and I smiled back.

"To the left", she said and gestured to the bright white sign that said "Restroom" and had a picture of a girl on it. I walked over there and luckily there was no line. In every movie I had seen where girls go to a club the bathrooms are full of trashy girls and a long line to get in so I felt thankful that there was nothing like that here.

When I got into the stall farthest away from the door I leaned against the door and cried. I didn't know exactly why but it felt good to let my guard down and cry. I was faking happiness for Heather and felt good to show my real emotions. I sat down on the toilet and looked around at the messy walls. There were pieces of gum stuck to the wall, childish sangs, and random phone numbers written on the wall. 

I looked around and read the little memories of peoples lives they decided to put on this wall. I wondered why they felt the need to put it on a bathroom wall and not just tell their friends about it or write it on a piece of paper. It was kind of mean to write, " Jimmy is a douche bag call him and harass him" with his number on a wall knowing that people would do it. I looked around at the rest of the wall and noticed the insults people threw at their exes and the threats that were made.

"He isn't the meanest guy, but he isnt the nicest. he wont ruin your life and he wont fuck you over but when he finds a new girl, someone better, someone wiser, he wont hesitate and leave. He may love you but he will always find someone he loves more. For any girls looking for someone will love you when you want it but never when you need it. For girls who need to drown sorrows in someone who won't attach any emotions to a late night booty call. He is beautiful and kind and passionate but filled with anger and detachment issues, if this is anything you think you need or are looking for Harry is just one call away"- the note said in beautiful black cursive letters and his number was right underneath it. 

This note was a lot lighter in context than the others which made me like it and despite its length it all made sense and sounded poetic. I assumed some drunk girl came in here and wrote it but it was a lot more sincere and together sounding than the rest which made me decide it wasn't. This sounded like everything I wanted and despite the girls warnings. The Harry that she talked about seemed like someone I could use just to get over my break up with Ben and I wanted that. 

I decided to pull my phone out and to dial the number. I had nothing to lose or gain by texting this number out of no where. It could be fun and innocent or nothing could happen. 

Ocean: Hey

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