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And things felt good, almost too good with Harry. It was like when I was with him nothing could go wrong. It was such an unfamilar feeling to be in such a comfort with someone like I was with Harry. I was never worried about selling the perfect version of myself to him. I could be exactly who I am and he never was afraid. If I just felt like I needed to cry or was feeling extra talkative, Harry was completely okay with it. 

I was completely okay with him too. He could do anything and I would think he was the coolest person in the world. In the weeks that followed, I learned so much about who Harry really was. He had opened up with me on every level. I learned how goofy he was and how affectionate he was. Harry is the most hardworking and kind person who can somehow find the good in everything. He has a tendency to give his all into the things that don't deserve him. He loves with all that he has, everyone he knows, and I admire him for that.

And I never got tired of him.  He could be bothering me every second of everyday and all I could do was fall deeper into this sense of love with him. I always wanted to be around him and whenever we had to part ways it felt like a piece of me was missing. It was almost scary to be this in love so fast. Like I had barely just met Harry yet I was so smitten by him. I had felt like I had known him my whole entire life, like everything I did before meeting him was just leading up to the moment where we could finally be together. 

I had found a job nearby Pearl's apartment and Harry was focusing on school but we still always found time for each other. We would always end the day together or on the phone and we would always keep in touch. I was happy, we were happy, and I couldn't help but wonder about what was next to come. The back of my mind was always thinking of if there was something horrible that was just going to be right around the corner.

"Baby", Harry whined over the phone, "We've got a problem."

"What's up?", I asked, I wasn't worried. I felt like there wasn't a need to worry when I was with Harry and if there was then I would feel it. You just know when things are wrong and this wasn't one of those times.

"There is a frat party tonight", Harry began, " And I know you have the night off and my friends really want me to go."

"So let's go."

"You want to?", Harry asked, and I didn't, it wasn't really my scene but if Harry wanted to go then I would. Plus, I knew that if we went all the frat guys that Harry was friends with would not bother him so much about being with the guys. They seemed to respect each other more if they were in a relationship than if they were single.

"If you want to go, then I'll go with you. It would be nice to meet some of your friends", Harry laughed.

"My friends aren't your kind of people, trust me. These aren't even my kind of people."

"What's that suppose to me?", I was kind of offended by the term "Your kind of people", but I don't think Harry meant it the wrong way.

"They are bunch of rich kids living of their parents money, they have never had to struggle a day in their life and have never had a bad thing happen to them. Never had their hearts truly broken, ya know the kind of people that just float through life somehow and never have to worry about never having or being enough."

Harry and I had countless conversations on how we had never felt like we could relate to the people our age and those sounded like those kind of people.

"I gotta go, my love, but I will pick you up at like 9 for the party okay."

"Sounds good", Harry and I said our goodbyes and as I hung up the phone I went instantly to my closet, finding something acceptable to wear for a frat party.

My style was fairly casual. I had endless pairs of jeans and leggings and millions upon millions of t-shirts but nothing I could consider party acceptable. All the dresses I did have were either way too casual or way to fancy. The more I looked through my closet the more stressed out I became over something that wasn't that big of a deal. It wasn't something I had to worry about as much as I was. The only person I even had to worry about impressing was Harry. 

"What about this?", I came out of my room in just a t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. Pearl had just gotten home and I decided to show off some of my outfits to her, if anyone knew how to dress it would be her. She was the more fashionable of the two of us.

"It's cute but like", she stopped, "you could do more like, there is a middle ground."

"But I don't wanna be cold tonight, and I don't wanna be like over dressed and look like I don't belong. This isn't my scene."

"But you like Harry and you want to be around him and do stuff for him. Why not show him that you have a cute body under all those clothes?", she suggested and I got bashful at the idea but she did have a point. 

Uhhhhh, sorry for such a boring chapter! I have exciting ideas and actually feel creative so I am going to try and update as much as I can while I am feeling creative.

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