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"So movie night?", I suggested, " Because if you are down with that I think we need to go to Target and get snacks."

"Of course", he said with a smile and with one swift turn we were on our way to our local target and not my apartment.

Harry was happy right now. I had never seen him this kind of happy. He was giggling and making jokes, this was the kind of person I wanted to be around all the time. When a song that he knew came on the radio he would begin to scream the lyrics and make the goofiest of faces at me. I wanted him to be this kind of wild all the time. He was doing things that made me fall in love with him and as much as that terrified me, I was excited.

The rain had started to pick up again but this time neither of us cared if we got wet. I had his hand in mine as the only thing to keep the both of us warm was physical contact. Our bodies were close but there was nothing to keep us dry, meaning our shirts and hair was completely soaked by the time we got into the store.

"You know I'll watch anything except for action", he said, " I love romantic comedies, horror, children's movies. Never been much of an action guy.

"What's so bad about action?", I asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Sometimes there is a good story but I mean the explosions and the fighting, just isn't for me."

"I have to agree with you on that", I nodded my head and began looking through all the movies, "The question is what are you in the mood to watch?"

"This", he said picking up the case for a four pack of romantic Nicholas Sparks movies. He had the goofiest smile on his face and I could not resit how adorable he was in this moment. It was like every time I took Harry somewhere I liked him even more. You couldn't take him anywhere without him doing something insanely adorable that just made you want to be with him all of the time.

"But what about this", I said picking up the case to A Nightmare on Elm Street. He shrugged his shoulders, throwing the Nicholas Sparks movies into the cart.

"If you like scary movies we are going to have to watch this", he said grabbing the case to The Hills Have Eyes, "This will actually freak you out."

"I haven't seen it", I said and Harry's jaw dropped.

"Ocean, I can't believe you. We have to watch this", he threw into the cart before turning the cart around and walking away from the movies.

"Don't worry, if you're too scared we can pop in The Notebook and I'll hold you", he said wrapping his arm around me as we walked to grab snacks.

On the way to the snacks we passed the section full of baby clothes and he stopped, holding the little outfits and a pair of shoes in his hand.

"My sister had a baby, ever since then I've had baby fever", he began to roam through the baby clothes and my heart skipped a beat. Every girl knew that a man who was interested in being a father or was a father was hot. It was inciting to see someone had the same instinct to be a parent as you.

"This is to die for", I said picking up a pink dress and his eyes softened at as he touched the tule skirt.

"I love it", he said locking eyes with me, " My daughter would be the biggest princess I swear, the most girly little thing. My sister dresses her daughter in these neutral tones, very unisex and she's cute don't get me wrong but the girl needs some pink in her life."

The both of us laughed and I started to walk away from the baby clothes and eventually Harry caught up. I wanted a child for as long as I could remember and always felt like I would be a good mother. Harry would make a good father too and that scared me. Not because I didn't want to be with him but I didn't want to get too serious too fast. If I got the idea of having a child in my head I didn't want to get too carried away with it and be disappointed when it didn't happen.

"Hot chocolate?", Harry said and I nodded adding it in to the cart.

"As long as we get marshmallows to go with it", he smiled and grabbed a mag of mini marshmallows to go with the hot chocolate, the perfect size so that they weren't too big in the hot chocolate but weren't so small that you choked on them.

The two of us began to grab salty and sweet snacks, a mix of all the best things to create the perfect movie night. The more stuffed I threw into the cart and the more plans Harry and I made the more excited I felt. This was the cutest thing I had done with anyone and shopping with Harry made me feel so domestic. I could shop with Harry a million times and never be tired of how goofy he was or whatever opinion he had about certain foods as we passed them

Harry even grabbed pajamas so that he didn't have to wear his jeans when he went to sleep. I couldn't wait to be home in my bed, with the boy I was slowly falling for, and a scary movie to watch. It sounded like a dream come true and Harry was equally as excited as I was. He could not stop talking, a million miles a minute, about whatever topic came to mind, the whole way back to my apartment. When we arrived the two of us carried as many bags as we could at once inside.

Neither of us wanted to make a second trip. I unlocked the door to my house and the moment I stepped in I could see Pearl standing with her hands on her hips as if she was waiting for me to arrive.

"I have something to tell you about Ha-", she started before stopping as Harry came out of nowhere behind me, bags in hand.

Brooklyn Baby// Lana Del Rey

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