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I quickly got ready after we decided that sleeping all day was not the best idea. We still needed to go to IKEA and fill the room with all of the things that I needed. I didn't need much considering I had packed most of it but I needed a bed and any other things that a person would need to live comfortably. I was excited though, even though this kind of shopping wasn't the most fun I would get to spend time with Pearl and most importantly, Harry.

I was excited to see Harry again today. After talking to him all night about anything and everything I felt like I had known him forever. He was kind, interesting, and seem so thoughtful. I had seen these traits in a man in a very long time and to see them in Harry made my heart skip a beat. I hated that I had to be on edge around him but it was worth it. It was more than worth it to take my sweet time with Harry. I knew that if he was really the guy I thought he was he would wait for me to gain trust with him.

We decided to meet up with Harry at the IKEA and when we pulled into the parking lot I could already see him leaning against the wall of the building. Just seeing him patiently standing there, waiting for me to arrive, and watching the world around him go by around him made my heart flutter. It wasn't that he even was doing anything spectacular that would make me fall for him, it was just him. The way he was carrying himself was the most enticing thing in the world.

"Are you nervous?", Pearl asked once we got out of the car and started walking to the building.

"A little", I said and she smiled," but I know there is nothing to be nervous about. It's not like a blind date or anything."

Harry started to walk in the direction of us as soon as he saw Pearl and I. He was shoving his phone into his pocket and had a small smirk on his face. As soon as I flashed a smile at him he flashed one at me and I couldn't help but smile even wider. Everything he did seemed to charm me and make me think even more positively of him.

"You look good", he said taking me in for a hug," tired, but good."

"Look whose talking", I said sarcastically as he let go off me and grabbed my hand. His hug was warm and inviting, a safe feeling. Harry was wearing a tight pair of black jeans and a light grey t-shirt. He also had an orange beanie holding back all of his hair. He looked just as tired and barely put together as I did but it was adorable. Knowing that the two of us had stayed up talking to each other night and that was the reason we were tired was the most special thing.

"What all you do need?", Harry asked.

"A bed of my own, a dresser, probably some decorations but I think that is pretty much it", I explained and he nodded.

"And you guys like this kind of stuff?", he asked," like shopping for this kind of stuff."

"Well, I just like shopping in general", I said before getting interrupted by Pearl.

"Shopping at stores like this makes us feel adult", she said and Harry nodded before looking at me.

He gave me a look that made it seem like he could tell I was annoyed. I hated getting interrupted while I was talking and Harry was clearly talking to me. He wanted to know if I liked it and wanted my input, he wasn't asking for Pearl to interject into what I was saying but she did and that annoyed me. He definitely picked up on the fact that this bothered me but this wasn't something to end a friendship over so I just moved on.

"Well, yeah I agree. It makes me feel like I am actually buying stuff that matters and that I need when I usually just buy stuff that I want", he nodded.

Pearl, Harry, and I all walked straight for the beds and started testing them out. We laid down on them, bounced on them a little, and decided which was the best choice for me. Harry and I even snuggled up onto a few to decide if they were a good fit for two people. It made my heart flutter at the fact that he cared if it would fit the both of us. He wanted to sleep in the same bed as me and that excited me. We then picked out a dresser for me to put some of the clothes and things I had in that didn't fit in my closet. I expected it to be a lot longer of a trip but it wasn't bad at all. Despite my worries and everything I had been thinking about it was fun.

I purchased the two things and the IKEA workers helped us carry the stuff to the car. It was a tight squeeze in Pearl's car with all the things and I knew it would be scary driving with a bed on top of her car but we would make it just fine.

"You know you are going to have to build this dresser right?", Harry said, leaning into the passenger seat window where I was sitting.

"I don't think it will be that hard. I'm pretty handy, you know", I said and he smiled.

"Oh, I know", he said with a smirk still on his face," Well, I could come and help you build it if you want."

"That would be really sweet of you actually, yeah", I said and he continued to smile at me. The smile plastered on his face never seemed to go away. 

He leaned down and kissed me softly, I know that he could kiss someone more passionately than he did in that moment. It was the kind of kiss you did when you were around other people but couldn't. Like a wedding kiss. He waved goodbye to me and walked to his car. I sat in my seat in awe of the fact that I felt so loved by someone I had just met.

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