twenty four

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"I can't fucking live there anymore, Harry. I can't do it", I yelled as I got into the passenger seat, throwing my back into the back row.

"Relax, love. What happened?"

"I have never seen her so bitchy in my life", Harry began to run his hand down my back in an effort to relax me, "She has never acted like this with me before."

"Do you think she is jealous?"

"It could be but I doubt it. I just can't live there anymore. Every time I come home she is trying to convince me that you are the worst guy in the world and I'm fucking over it. She knows nothing and it's annoying that she won't listen to a thing I say about you. All the good in you."

"I don't want to ruin a friendship for you, though", he said in a soft voice.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Harry. This has nothing to do with you and you aren't ruining our friendship, she is. If she wants to push me away because she doesn't like the person I am dating then she can. I am not going to leave you just because she doesn't like you."

"Where are you going to live?", he asked changing the topic and I let out a sigh. I was planning on moving soon, just not this soon. The cost of living was high and I knew with how much money I had saved and the money I was making I wasn't going to be making enough to take care of myself and build a home.

"No clue. I'm stressed though."

"Would it be weird if I suggested us living together", he said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Do you think we are moving too fast?", I asked.

"Do you? It has never felt like we were for me. Everything with us has happened so naturally, like every time I think about the things you and I do it has never felt like too much or too little."

"I feel the same way", I said with a smile, "Peal said she thinks we are moving too fast and I just wanted to know what you thought."

I felt like the pace Harry and I were moving was perfect for us. I had felt like I had known him my whole entire life and every step him and I took together felt like the right thing to do. I had never felt worried or uncomfortable around him. I did know that moving in with someone was a big deal to some people. A lot of people would wait as long as they could to live with someone because it was a lot of change in a relationship. I had to be a little worried that this would be a lot of strain on any couple and that included us.

"I like the way I am moving with you", he was holding my hand and then placed a kiss on it, " And I would love to live with you if you wanted to live with me."

"I would like to live with you too."

"And I'm serious, baby. We can really look for apartments, or a home to rent. I don't know, I'm going to need to find a place soon anyway and why not find one with you."

Harry pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and I was blown away. It seemed like it was the tallest thing in the world, going so high up into the clouds that I couldn't even see where it ended. It looked sleek, modern, and expensive. I was shocked that I was even staying at a place this nice. My whole life I had dream of hotels like this whenever I stayed in mediocre ones with my family.

"This is insane", I couldn't stop looking at in wonder as I threw my bag over my shoulder and locked hands with Harry. We hadn't even made it inside yet and I could only imagine how nice it would look.

The inside had the most modern and sophisticated decorations. Everything was in the same scheme of black, white, and the occasional grey. Everything was clean and despite their being furniture covered in throw pillows and decor, the space was still so open. It felt like it was a treat to stay here, this was the kind of place you only came to if you had a special occasion.

"This had to be expensive", I commented before Harry and I reached the desk.

"My dad is friends with the owner and the whole family is welcome here with open arms whenever", he kissed my forehead, " Just wait until you see the room."

Harry checked us into the hotel as I wandered around the room seeing what other things were around, touching everything I could. I just wanted to take in everything that there was here, it was a dream to be in such a beautiful place with someone who I loved more than anything. As we walked down the hallways into the elevator, and to our our bedroom I was just in awe. There was no other way to describe it. I could feel Harry watching me as I took all of this in.

"Here we go, Princess", he said handing me the room key and letting me do the honors. I walked in and was completely shocked by the room. Open windows covered one of the walls so that you could completely see the city. The bed was huge, it could at least fit five people. The decor was simple and modern, just like the lobby but with more grey tones making it feel insanely welcoming.

"This is insane, Harry. You did not have to do this", I told him and he smiled coming up next to me and wrapping an arm around me. We both looked to each other and locked eyes for a few seconds before he put his hand on my face, running it down to the nape of my neck, and pulling me in for passionate kiss. 

Kinda lost in the direction of the story! Please vote and comment and let me know what you guys think!!

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