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"He is charming", Pearl said, " I was nervous he was going to be slightly cocky and an asshole. With everything that the letter on the wall said I had to be a little on edge as your best friend. I had to want to hate him a little bit but I love him for you."


"Yes", she exclaimed," I think he is a total sweetheart and he seems really interested in you."

"He really does", I said with a smile looking out the window. 

I was glad to know that I wasn't the only one who thought he was interested in me. I felt like he was so genuine to me and treating me so well but it could of been just me. I felt like I could've been blinded by the affection he was showing me but I wasn't. He really enjoyed me and seemed to like me. It was exciting. It was the best feeling in the world to know that someone new was interested in me. I no longer had to be held back by my ex and the feeling that he was the one for me.

"Are you going to have him come over tomorrow and help you set up this stuff?", Pearl asked.

"Yes", I said and smiled," You and I both know all this stuff would look horrible if I set it up all by myself."

The two of us laughed and that was really the end of all active conversation. The two of us would sing along together to songs we knew on the radio and decided that we were going to get McDonald's but that was it. We got home and ate our meals in silence then went to bed. 

All I could really think about, and what my mind kept really wandering back to was Harry. I kept thinking of the way he treated me. I had never been treated so well by a man in my life. I wanted to be treated like I mattered for as long as possible. I kept thinking of a future with Harry. It was unhealthy and a rather weird thing to be thinking about so soon in to meeting him but I couldn't help it.


"So, I assume Harry is going to come over today?",  Pearl said and I nodded. It was noon and I hadn't heard from Harry but I was going with yes as my answer. This is what him and I had planned on and I assumed that he would keep his end of the plan.

"Yeah, he is either working or isn't up yet but I think that is the plan", Pearl nodded and grabbed her back, said her goodbyes, and went off to work. She seemed off today and I couldn't really put my finger on why. I didn't want to work myself up over it though. I'm sure was just having an off day and that she just wanted to sleep or stay home all day instead of work. If I thought any deeper than that I would assume that she was mad at me or that I did something to upset her when I know that I didn't. Overthinking, the silent killer.

I decided to turn some music on and get ready now. I wanted to look good for Harry today and if it started now my hair and makeup would look better than ever by the time he got here. I wanted to impress him. It wasn't that I wanted to make him like me more because of my looks, I just wanted to look nice for him. I wanted him to think I was pretty this way. I thought of it as a treat for him.

I ate while I did my makeup, I danced, I sang, I read, I wasted more time than usual on social media and by the time it was all done I had still not heard from Harry. I had expected maybe a small phone call from Harry or a short text. It was six o clock, Pearl was home, and I had still heard nothing from Harry. It worried me considering how active and interested he was the past few days. Why did he just drop of the face of the earth? It made me think he didn't want to talk to me anymore or that he wasn't feeling me anymore.

Pearl and I had dinner together and he mood had increased a lot since the morning which was nice so I didn't have to worry anymore. We talked about her day and just random things, not one mention of Harry and I why he didn't come over. It all was so casual. It was so odd not to have an overthinking, freak out session about why I hadn't heard from him but it was also nice because I know I shouldn't be like that. 

The end of the day came as fast as the day had started. I had to take of my make up and get in the shower, throwing away all the work I had put into my look for Harry away. I fell asleep feeling stupid about the way I had felt for Harry and the way I had let him dictate my looks and my day.

The one that got away// Katy Perry

This chapter sucks and I know that but it is a filler chapter and the next chapter will be when things to start to happen and the story actually starts to pick up which I am really excited about!

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