Chapter 8

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Gemini pov

I sat outside the house shivering a little waiting for Mark to come,call me petty for telling him his boyfriend's here but he is my best friend and he complained to me I have to tell him that's what a best friend's for and this is something I don't think I can hide but I did not expect him coming here I just wanted to inform him

My cousins had come looking for me as soon as they didn't see me inside but I told them I just needed some fresh air and we are going to stay another hour which they didn't even question and disappear back inside

A small part of me hoped to see if fourth was going to come out and at least explain to me,hoped he would send a text but nothing no sign of him I tried not to feel hurt by it which lead to me thinking about what that guy said,was it the reason he hasn't come. What family was he talking about, is it an extended family, was pun a family member and why did he call fourth a leader, leader of what. My brain runs rampant with questions and thoughts as I groan rubbing my head feeling a little ache I was thinking to much

A loud horn startled me already knowing who it was I stood up watching him leave his car with a sad look making me sigh

"He's really here..." He trails his eyes darting from the house to me I nod giving him a weak smile "he told me he feels sick..."

"Hey" I start holding his shoulders when I saw his eyes water "calm down maybe there is a good explanation for all of this" I don't know who I'm actually convincing him or I

"W-why lie though....he could have just told me he's going to a party...what's the need to lie" he mumbles I rub his arms in understanding. Mark hate liers cutting down to his past I don't think ford's escaping this with mere words

Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut

"It's okay" I mutter as he sniffs

"Why are you outside...were you waiting for me?"

"I was kicked out" I shrug as he raised his brows questioning "forget about it" I don't want to put more issue between the two of them "when you go in bring the cousins out for me okay" I say making him nod as he takes deep breath before walking inside. I sigh watching him go before sitting on his car

It didn't even take five minutes as my eyes widen seeing him rushing out with tears steaming down his face with ford and the twins coming behind him

"Mark please wait!" Ford begs holding mark hand who immediately pulled away like it burned him

Yeah I should have kept my mouth shut

"J-just one week..." Mark stutters shakily sniffing anyone could hear the pain in his voice "A w-week ford"

The twins came over to me with a slight frown questioning I just shrug telling them to go inside the car which they did without any question

"M-mark I swear she k-kissed me out of nowhere I-I didn't kn-"


"I-i don't think this is going to work"Mark cut ford off making my eyes widen

"No! No! Please Mark... please!" Ford rushes towards him holding his face with his eyes watering "don't say that I'm sorry I'm so sorry"

"I-i am b-reaking up with you" Mark stutters pulling away from him rushing towards me as ford stood there staring blankly at the place Mark just left maybe in shock"ain't you coming?" He asks wiping his eyes. I shake my head saying no. I still needed answers he nods entering his car

"Leave the door open" I told ploy who nods before looking at ford who was still standing there Hearing mark starting his car must have pulled him out from whatever he was thinking cause he immediately ran entering the front seat of Mark's car where I was supposed to sit. I watched as they drove away sighing to myself

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