Chapter 20

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Gemini pov

I watch my husband silently waiting for him to say something but he decided to become dumb looking everywhere but my face. My eyes trial the cut on his neck I might not know much about wounds but that looks like a knife cut that was aiming for death and the bloods on his clothes was definitely not his.

"You are not invisible you know" I say as his eyes meet mine "I can see everything and I would need some explaining"


"Use words"

"W-Win and I meet some people on our way...."he says avoiding my eyes "and my phone got lost at the process"

I stay silent watching my husband tap his fingers on his laps as he clasps his lips I couldn't tell if he was acting like this because he is nervous or he was lying to me. Only one way to find out

"You are lying to me" I say as he stops his movement frowning at me. I should not doubt him I should not doubt what he was saying but don't blame me with everything that I noticed I just wanted to make sure

"I am not lying" he defends "you can go ask Win" he says looking hurt as he came closer to me. He is not lying

"If you say so" I shrug 

"Do you really think I would lie to you?"

I stay silent watching as he searches my face while debating on saying the truth.

"I don't know..." I mutter honestly watching as he frowns


"I should not doubt you I really shouldn't,I trust you but..."

"But?" He questions sounding hurt

"What is going on between you and my uncle?" I ask as his eyes widen "Everything that I saw today didn't seem normal. I mean why will you be pointing a gun at him in the first place if he just came to see me" I huff practically amused by my logical thinking. Fourth's truly making me use this brain of mine

I stay silent watching his face contort in panic and fear his mouth opening and closing with no words coming out probably not finding words cause now it is very clear to me something is definitely wrong and he doesn't want to tell me

"What are you hiding from me fourth?" I ask softly moving over to him as I touch his face that looks like he is about to have a panic attack but my touch seems to ease him as he blinks rapidly "what is it huh?"

"I am tried..." he mutters pulling my hand off and moving passed me as I frown in confusion "I just came back from almost getting killed and I would like to rest"


"Gemini I would like to rest" he repeats walking to the bathroom as I followed him

"What is it you are hiding from me Fourth?" He pulls his shirt off totally ignoring me "Fourth!"

"Gemini it's almost midnight please let's just sleep"he says. He is right let sleep and tomorrow we might talk but I can't sleep now that I know his hiding something from me

"How am I supposed to sleep when I know you are hiding something from me Fourth" I say out loud as he continues whatever he was doing "Fourth you can't just keep me quiet,there is definitely something going on, why are you hiding it from me. Tell me. You ca-"

"I can't tell you!!" He exclaims cutting me off as I try not to feel hurt from his action watching him with wide eyes

"W-what do you mean you can't tell me?" I asks shallowing the lump on my throat as his eyes filled with guilt showing he didn't mean to yell at me

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