Chapter 17

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Gemini pov

"No." He states moving to pull away but I held him tight making him groan as I frown in confusion looking down at him


"Yes. No"


"You can't go back to the Norawit home"he says

"Why?" I asked confused but he stays silent as I turn us over letting me lay between his legs as he looks everywhere but my face while I search his that was displaying emotions but the one fear was more potent "Babe?"

"It's not safe" he mutters after a while looking at me "who would stay with the kids?"

"They are coming with us"I say smiling at him as he frowns in surprise "we are all moving"


"Nowhere is safe Fourth. look at what happened" I sigh putting my head into his neck "Staying here won't guarantee our safety"

"But no on-"

"I want to go back Fourth" I mutter cutting him off. He sighs before running his hand through my hair as I hum closing my eyes

"Okay....."he mutters kissing my head

"Can we go tomorrow?" I asks as he stops his movement on my hair

"Tomorrow?" He asks shocked. I hum nodding me head "S-sure.... I'll just call Faluk" I hear him search for his phone before the sound of him calling someone

I don't know what I did for people to have the desire to kill me I seriously don't nothing in this damage brain of mine could give me a clue. I wanted to be happy,I was comfortable everything was fine but now it's all gone

How I my suppose to live happily and comfortable now that Mama died because of me she did nothing but loved and cared for me but I repay her with death And I know it's not the end whoever that wants me died won't stop until I am gone which won't be long seeing my brain damage became worst at least they would all be happy then

But I can't let anyone get hurt again I know fourth said he will protect me and I don't doubt that trust me I just don't want to risk the kids life that's the least I can do for mama, protecting her kids and I believe staying in the Norawit family house is more safe than here. Maybe.

"Are you really sure...." Fourth hand back on my hair pulls me out of my thoughts

"I am sure" I state confidently. Staying there is better than here if anyone told me two weeks ago that I will be going back to the place I swore I won't go I would think they have a worst damage brain than mine

"Okay..."he mumbles resting his head on mine "if you say so"

"I'm sorry" I apologize again for all the absurd things I said

"Stop apologizing babe" he mutters I knew what I said really hurt him I didn't realize what was spilling out of my mouth until I saw him fighting for air. Fuck you brain

I sign zoning in on his hand on my hair that was soothing my body as I press into him more melting against him relishing in the feeling that pulls me into unconsciousness


I open my eyes only to shut it immediately with the bright light that attacks my retina I groan turning to the other side as my hand trails the empty space making my eyes snap open

Sitting up with a sigh my eyes trails the room with heavy heart seeing Mama's lively photos on the wall

Nothing is really guaranteed in life I should know that more than anyone.

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