Chapter 9

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Fourth pov

My eyes flutter open as the bright light of the sun invades my retina making me groan I slowly adjust to my surroundings as I looked around confused by the unfamiliar room before everything that happened yesterday came rushing through my mind

I felt myself smile feeling my cheeks heating as I clearly remembered yesterday night rolling on the bed with a happy squeal as I run my legs into the air before groaning from the pain I felt at my back

It was amazing!!!

I would be lying if I said I didn't know what I was doing sure I was drugged and high which I am going to kill the person that put a sex drug in my drink I knew exactly what was going on I knew it was Gemini and It was great it's Gemini of course it will be good. My entire being knows it's owner and responded to his every touch it wasn't satisfied with just a round and went for a ride

God I missed him I missed him so much it's been three years I sigh happily staring at the ceiling his moans, his groans the feeling of his hand on my body the feeling of him buried deep inside me just thinking about it made my member pulse but what next, what's the next step what's going to happen between us, for him to have sex with me yesterday he must feel something for me


Unless he would have just left me alone to cather for myself by using my hands

I hear the door open as my heart beat races I close my eyes immediately hearing the footsteps come closer I fake groan opening my eyes catching his back as he rolls something between his hands I sit up the sound of the blanket on my body indicating I'm awake watching as he stiffens for a while his shoulders dropping before turning towards me

"Morning"he mumbles scratching his head looking everywhere but at me as I felt my heart drop before I could speak he continues "The bathroom is that way...I borrowed my cousins cloth for you it's inside and I kept some medicine on the nightstand Incase you need them" his tone glacial not once looking at me


"I'll be downstairs" he cuts me off leaving the room without any other word my chest contracts as every atom of happiness and hope I felt dies immediately from that action

Did he regret it

Did I force him to do it or he just did it cause he didn't have a choice because of how I was earnest having pity on me. Sure I didn't know what to expect after but I didn't expect this I didn't expect the coldness .I sigh dropping my gaze to the sheets I was chocking with my fingers

I'm fucked


I head downstairs not seeing anyone making me frown this place was unfamiliar and huge someone could get lost in here I didn't know which was which

"Fourth!" I heard his voice looking at direction my name was being called to see he was in the kitchen downstairs,he gave me a curt nod before focusing on what he was doing. I made my way towards him frowning in surprise at the baby tiger I saw that was eating raw beef not caring if a human was walking past it

Is this even allowed?

Reaching there I saw he was making white sauce that showed it's for two making me smile

"Smells good" I say stepping forward to him but he steps back from my approach. I stall feeling my heart squeeze itself as I bite the inside of my cheeks to stop the pain I felt from the action from showing. My eyes linger on him as he continues keeping a good distance between us

This hurts

He finishes not saying a single word carrying the food to the table setting them different sides before sitting down on one side

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