Chapter 14

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Fourth pov

I sat outside the emergency room shaking with heavy heart my hands covered with his blood as I wait for either the doctor or a nurse to come outside to tell me what the hell is going on. It's been 5 hours.

I knew it I knew they were too quiet. Everything that happened took a whole troll on me I never expected something like this sure I knew they would try to do something but not this, hearing his voice cut off followed by those loud frightening thuds brought back unforgiving memories that made my heart races in fear I was so scared.

I can't believe Rose is gone. She's dead. I went there immediately after taking gemini to the hospital seeing the fire service already there and rose was really died. I vowed to myself that I wasn't going to kill anyone again but I think it ends today whoever did this went too far. I promise to protect him but I couldn't even stop this

Faluk information came late cause this whole accident wasn't Mr Kasem doing which I believe cause he doesn't use accidents he strike with guns or hands. Someone else planned this someone we are still trying to figure out. I saw a nurse come out from the room as I quickly rushed over to her

"H-How is he?" I ask hurriedly following beside her

"We are trying to revive him" she says making my eyes widen as my heart races in fear

Revive him....

"Revive h-him?"I stutter shakily

"Let's hope"she states which didn't help my striking panic. My stomach rolls, causing bile to climb up my throat, is he died

No. No

My hand trembles as it gets harder to inhale air everything blurs as I curl my fist hoping the pain could loose whatever is tightening my chest from air and the panic constricting my heart would come to a stop as my skin feels like it was on fire and my world was tilting,becoming a whole nauseating mess

He is dead. They are trying to get him to breathe air. He might not make it. I'm not going to see him again. He has left me again. He's gone. No. No. this can't be happening. Not again. Please not again.

He is not breathing air.
Cause he is died.
He is gone from me again.
I am going to lose him again.

I was supposed to close my eyes in this situation and take deep breaths but the agonizing thoughts raging within my mind was too much. It was too much for me and no matter how hard I tried to find a promising thoughts my mind still recall those words

Revive him

"Hey. Sir. Hey. It's okay. Breathe" the nurse calls holding my trembling arms her eyes darting frantically "let's try breathing you are having a panic attack. Sir. Deep breaths." She instructs rubbing my arm. I zone in on that focusing on her heating palm "breathe in" she instructs taking in air as struggle to do the same "and out" she exhale as I follow her. Again she did it and I followed, inflating my tighten lungs

I continue breathing slowly and eventually the chaos within my mind begins to muffle,all the noise within my head turning mute. It all became quiet

"There. There you go" she says softly sitting me on the chair as my heart settles in its own normal thrum "does this happen a lot?"

"No" I mutter honestly. I haven't experienced this since his accident everytime it tries to come I let the panic settle into anger instead it was better than having a sharp pain tyrannising your chest to the extend, you cry to breath but hearing that word I just couldn't control it

"The doctor will try his best" she says reassuringly just then the door opens for me to see the doctor as I stood up immediately rushing to his side

"Doctor is he o-okay?"

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