Chapter 16

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Fourth Pov

I rush through the hospital hallways avoiding collision with people as happiness runs through my veins settling every aspect of my every being

He's awake

I arrive at his hallway seeing his door open with laughter filling his room my heart skip a beat hearing his inhumane laugh that brought a smile to my face

He's really awake

I rest myself on the door with a sigh smiling widely at the sight of the kids expect Tu on top of him as he tickles them seeing his face my smile slowly fades as my eyes trails the small cuts on his face, although he was smiling and laughing I could see the sadness and pain he was trying to hide in his eyes. He whines suddenly putting his hand on his head


"Are you okay?" Tu asks worriedly rushing towards him bringing the twins down from his body putting them on the chair and taking Lera into her arms

"Thought you weren't going to come to me" Gemini chides as Tu groans hitting his head "hey!"

"Don't scare me like that!"

"Come here...."he smiles opening his arms for her but she sighs making Gemini smile fade slightly not once have they notice me standing here

"No..." she mumbles staring down at her feet

"What's wrong pookie?" Gemini asks softly

"Nothing..." She trails shaking her head "I'm happy..." She mutters avoiding his face

"I know you are"he sighs opening his arms this time Tu hugs him back as he groans from how tight she hugs him I smile taking a picture

"I'm happy you are okay"

Gemini hums pulling away before ruffing her hair smiling widely at her

"Mama must be having the best time cause she hasn't call or text me and her line isn't going"Tu says as I sigh seeing Gemini's smile disappear instantly as he looks away from her"you will be in trouble if she know you had an accident"

"I-i know" he stutters his eyes fills with sadness but he still manages to smile again"that's why no one will tell her. Right?"

"Ten bucks"


"Ten bucks and I will not tell her"Tu says putting her hand out

"You can't even get hold her" Gemini chuckle slightly

"I have my ways"

"Ok fine"he agrees tapping her hand "ten bucks" he takes lera from her dangling the little girl that makes her giggle

"Are you going to stand here forever?" Ford voice startled me a bit as I look to see him and win standing by my side

I stay silent just staring at him. I don't know how act now that I know he is going to die and him being alive now is a miracle. After a while debating with myself I take a deep breath fully entering the room the sound of my shoe made his head to snap towards me

He stares at me blinking before his eyes trailing down to his hoodie I smile softly as his eyes meet mine expecting to see anything but the look he gave me as my heart drops when I couldn't read the expression on his face I frown slightly shallowing the lump on my throat as he looks away from me

What's going on?

"You guys are here" he says avoiding my face as I try not to feel hurt by his action "Win when did you come?"

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