Chapter 10

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Gemini pov

"You are married?" Mama asks after a while trying to process everything I just told her "to Fourth?"

"Yes" I nod smiling at her I don't know why I feel happy knowing I'm married to Fourth this low-key explains the immediate feeling I had for him

"No prove or anything?" She questions as I frown in realization true I didn't ask for evidence maybe it's because I was too delighted knowing we are together and it felt right I didn't have any doubt in what he was saying

"I trust fourth" I state nodding my head

"Okay" she stood up heading to the kitchen making me frown in disbelief before following behind her

That's all?!

"That's all?" I question out loud she just raised her brows at me "A gang leader? Hello?"

"Okay?" She asks still looking at me confused

"You are not going to say anything about it?

"What do you want me to say?"she asks

"Something" I insist sitting down on a stool I need to know if she's okay with me being a gang leader Mama's opinion matters to me she literally saved my life and fourth said I had enemies they could use them as bait that would break me

"Should I be scared" she huff "you can't even kill a cockroach" she scoof as I roll my eyes shaking my head

"I have!" I defend as she huff "once..."

"Look Gemini...." She starts "I don't care if you're a gang leader nothing will change I love you and I know you love this family you won't hurt us so why will I be worried about you being a gang leader infact I'm happy"she says making my eyes widen in surprise "In all the movies I've watch, gang leaders always protect their love ones" she says smiling at me

"Ma that's in movies" I groan from her fantasies "This is real can tell what will happen what i-"

"No what if's" she cuts me off "Nothing will happen okay" she says as I sigh in defeat nodding my head " do you think I was going to react?" She asks putting her hand on her hip "throw you out?"

"No" I mumble shaking my head "I just wanted to know your opinion"

"Good cause you are stuck with us" she says as I smile made its way to my face "the main reason I called you here before you started telling me the story of your life..." she jokes making me laugh "was to wash the dishes"

I stopped laughing so fast as my eyes widen looking at the dishes she was pointing at in disbelief "no way...."

"Yes way..." She trails smiling at me "I have somewhere to be and I didn't want my dress stained" she says as I stare at her in disbelief

There is a apron on the counter!!

"Ma..."I call upon seeing the look on her face she's looking to happy for someone just going out. A date?

"Yes baby"

"Who is it?" I asks narrowing my eyes as she tries to avoid my face answering my question

"Will you look at the time...." She trails eyeing her watch trying to move past me but I blocked her making her sigh

"You are going on a date?!"

"Well I won't call it a date...." She says as I huff in disbelief "fine...I'm going on a date"

"Who is the unlucky man?" I asks smirking trying to pull her legs as she gasps

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