Chapter 11

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Fourth pov

"What are they doing here?" I ask faluk staring at the two male who was looking at Gemini in shock. I haven't seen them in forever

"They forc-"

"You're alive..."Satang trails cutting faluk off stating the obvious "you are really are real" he says looking him up and down


"Gemini bro!!"he cries sniffing dramatically as he hugs him tightly "I missed you!!"

"Can't breathe...."Gemini squeaks hitting his arm

"I knew you weren't died!"he continues ignoring gemini who was trying to get out of his hold "I felt it in my bones!"

"Satang...he's going to died for real if you don't let him go"Win says with no emotions on his face as usual

"Right....sorry" he pulls away holding Gemini's shoulder "I can't believe this!"

"Me either"faluk states still looking at Gemini in disbelief

"I'm sorry....who?"Gemini asks looking at me making their eyes widen

"Who?!"satang yells "what do you mean who?"

"Gemini doesn't remember anything"I mumble avoiding their face

"That says a lot" Win states making my eyes widen in surprise looking at him to see him staring blankly at me This is the first time he has spoken to me in three years

Win and I were closest of friends,we stayed in the same orphanage home did everything together but that changed when I continued my mission,we had the same job and the same mission but win couldn't complete his and pulled out but me, I was greedy and foolish no matter how hard he tried to warn me I didn't listen I was so stupid when I tried stopping it was too late that ruined our relationship, the brotherly bond we had.


"There are consequences for all our actions..."he trails

"Win..." Satang calls in warning but he just shrug walking away making me sigh "what's your favorite food?" Satang asks Gemini who raised his brows






"So you know all this and not your favorite buddy?" Satang questions as I roll my eyes shaking my head


"Gemini meet Satang,the leader of the kittiphop family the second largest family"I say as Satang poses touching his hair

"Oh...nice to meet you?"

"Nice to meet me my foot" satang huffs "After everything we've been through!" he shakes him with his shoulder's making Gemini groan

"It's not his fault" I defend stopping his shakes

"Clearly" Win mutters

"I'm sorry I don't seem very friendly"Gemini says as satang sighs hugging him again

"I'm just happy you're alive"

"Me too"Faluk says as I realize I haven't introduce him

"Gemini this is Faluk my wing man well our.."

"Hi.."Gemini greets Faluk who bows in response "you can let go of me now" he tells satang who shakes his head


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