Chapter 15

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Fourth pov

My eyes flutters open to the beeping monitor and a hand tapping my back hard as I groan seeing the person who was smiling widely Asif he didn't just wake me from my peaceful sleep

"Fuck off Ford" I groan turning my head to the other side

"Good morning to you too fourth" I hum as my eyes catches the boy who still had his eyes closed laying sounded on the bed. Kissing his hand that was still on mine I sigh sitting up, adjusting my seat to his face level as I stare at him smiling weakly

"Morning babe" I mutter running my hands through his hair his scarp feeling warm under my hand as I sigh wishing his lids could flutter open

"Did the doctor say when he's going to wake up?"


"What if he enters a coma"Ford says immediately making my head snap towards him as he raise his hands up seeing the Irate look on my face "and I will keep my mouth shut"

"Good"I mutter turning my face back to my husband

"Faluk's been calling you"he says after a while making me frown looking at my phone to see 15 missed calls from an unknown number "when you did not pick he called me and sent me the families names with M.....look" he passes me his phone as my eyes widen in disbelief

120 families?!

"Why this much?" I ask bewildered scrolling through the names

"My same reaction"

"How the hell...."

"We should start with the M's from this state" he suggests shrugging "Maybe we'll be lucky...Dew would know"

I sigh nodding my head putting dew on the line. He picks up on the first ring

"Well hello there"

"Dew I need the locations of the families with the letter M in your state"

"What's wrong?" he asks confusion laced in his voice


"Who killed who?"

"Just send me the locations dew" I groan in annoyance not ready for his nosiness

"Chill...I was just curious" he mutters "I will send them"

"Thank you"


"What is it dew?"

"Why is there a monitor beeping?" He asks skeptically as I roll my eyes "are you in a hospital?!"

"Good bye dew"

"Wai-" I cut the call sighing as my phone beeps knowing he has sent them. I stood up pecking Gemini cheeks as I hear the door open looking to see the doctor and the nurse entering the room

"You guys are here early" the doctor says smiling widely as they walk towards us he pauses studying me skeptically as I raise my brows questioning "you are wearing the same clothes as yesterday" he points stating the obvious

Not that it's any of his business cause I could wear any cloth anytime I want but seeing the nurse who looks scared as shit I knew what he was Insinuating

"Oh he sle-" I hit the back of ford's head cutting him off as he yells turning towards me "What the h-" 

"I love this's my favorite"I chuckle smiling weakly as I close ford mouth putting his head under my arm "My husband bought it from me"

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