Chapter 19

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Gemini pov

"Here you go son" the oldest chef who I learnt his name was Mos says passing me the pile of spaghetti. I sigh shaking my head in disbelief. He's trying to kill me with food but I knew better than to say anything about cause he will just stuff it down my throat

"Thank you s-"

"Nope. I have told you to stop calling me sir" he cuts me off scoffing at me

"And for the thousand time. that's not possible"

"Ugh" he huffs walking away from me as I chuckle. For a old man he is pretty sassy

"Let me know if you want any other thing" One of the cooks says

"If you can reduce this food. That will be nice"

"I can't do that Sir" she chuckles as I groan knowing why. Mos will literally chew her ass out,he has been giving me food like he thinks I haven't eaten in years and I must finish it unless he'll shove it down my throat.Literally

It's been a week and half since we arrive here and everything has been pretty normal, everyone here has been treating me like a prodigal son. I think I've added some weight being here sure I didn't want to be surrounded by people who knows my entire existence than me but I'm grateful

They tell me everyday how grateful they are for me saving them which I don't know what or how I did it but just go with the flow. I don't think they know I have a memory loss because they speak to me like I would know them which I'm okay with but it's a little awkward seeing I wouldn't know how to react or respond

Hearing everything my parents did,I did not know how to feel I never imagine I'd grow up in a blood tasty home. What surprises me the most is how they would want to kill you for telling them no and opposing their word. That sounds psychopathic, not to brag but how did they give birth to someone like me or is there something I am missing I sure hope not because all of this has taken a troll on me. I think the only thing I have in common with my parents is a damage brain so that counts right?


There is something I've also noticed, everyone in this house fears fourth like really fears him,they don't look him in the eyes like they do to me, there's this type of thick atmosphere everytime we are together with some people with us, they're either giving him some kind of look or they immediately leave as soon as he comes with me. Maybe fourth don't notices this or he just ignores it

I mean it's fourth,my husband what is there to be afraid of,if there's something going on he would tell me and I trust him with my life.

"Babe!" speaking of the love of my life,his groaning voice instantly brought a smile to my face as I look to see him rubbing his eyes as he comes towards the with our matching shirts

"You are aw-um!" He kisses me as he sits on my lap forcing my mouth open as his tongue explores my mouth while I pull him closer relishing his tongue on mine something I would never get tired of but he pulls away much to my dismay

"You left again"he mutters pouting slightly

"I didn't want to wake you. You look peaceful" I say tapping his nose. Fourth had a dream about me leaving him which was last week and ever since then he'd be clingy,if he wakes up and don't see me beside him he will look all panicky even when I'm still in the same room with him. First Tu now fourth, I am not escaping death am I?

"You should have woken me" he mumbles resting his head on my shoulder. I have never really ask how he coped when I had my accident and me leaving him but it's heartbreaking to see the fear he has with me being away from him

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