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Life is hard
Life is a reality
Life is a experience that could either break you or favour you
Life is like an instrument,what you get out of it depends on how you play it.

-----7 years later------

Fourth Pov

"Took 100 bucks from your wallet" Kob yells as he comes down the stairs

"You are already here. What's the point of yelling?" Kovit groans

"Cause I can"kob huffs coming over to me "Morning cutie" he says peeking my cheeks

"Morning ko" I ruffle his hair smiling as he tries dodging my hand

"Hey! I spent minutes to make them look this good! He says scribbling his way to the dinning to eat

"Where are your sisters?" I asks looking up the stairs and back at the time,they were running late and needed to be out in the next twenty minutes

"That can't be a serious question right?" Kovit asks with a raised brows.

Tu and lera of course are the only girls in the family and it's just surprising how girls spend so much time dressing up. Tu is somewhat understandable but lera, she only eleven and I think she is worst than Tu when she was her age. I never expected the quiet,shy girl who had trouble speaking to grow up so self absorbed and only cared about making sure she looks good. She's going to be a menace when she grows I could feel it

"Cutie. kovit spoke to his crush yesterday" Kob says as my eyes widen looking at the boy who rolled his eyes

"For Christ sake kob"

"You spoke to him?" I asks ignoring him as he sighs shyly nodding his head "what do you say?" I smile softly moving towards him as he mumbles something Incoherent "huh?"

"Nice shirt"he mutters as I raise my brows in disbelief while kob burst into laughter "it's not funny!" he scolds but kob continued his laughter while I watch them in amusement

"Nice shirt?"

"That's the only thing I could come up with" he defends pouting slightly

"He didn't even wait for him to reply,he scribbles away before he could say a word"Kob says coming down from his high

"I nearly had a heart attack!"

"You could have least hear the voice you've been wanting to speak to you"

"I don't think I would survive hearing it"he shrugs as kob rolls his eyes moving back to his meal

The twins are two different people with similar features. They are identical but totally different personalities kob is the loud extrovert while kovit is the quiet shy introvert. You could be in the same room with kovit and won't even notice,he has scared me so many times but with kob,he will make himself known infact you won't even concentrate on whatever you want to do,he is the most outspoken person I have ever seen,he doesn't hide anything,he could tell you when he starts growing public hair,how he washes his butt with procedures, your secrets is never safe with him

Then we have kovit who is nonchalant and doesn't even care if you are choking in front of him,he loves his personal space and love to read books. Sometimes I think he is a nerd. When he came out as gay I wasn't surprised at all cause I saw the signs,he has men magazines both the naked and the clothed,he runs from girls like technically runs from them his sisters are the only girls that can stay four feet close to him so when he came out it wasn't surprising to any of us in this house While kob is as straight as pole at this age he whistles to girls that are twice his age saying he loves them older

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