Chapter 21

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Gemini pov

"You look lovestruck" Mark's annoying voice made me roll my eyes as he sat next to me "don't roll your eyes at me dipshit"

"What are you doing here?" I ask cleaning lera's body. She ate cake and allowed her entire body to eat with her

"I should be asking you why you are staring at kids and having the brightest smile ever" he huffs passing me a drink

"I am happy" I mutter as he raised his brows at me. I haven't felt this happy and content since fourth took me ziplining

"At kids?" He strains "they are devilish, always playing. Oh don't let me get started on babies, pooping themselves, using their cries to blackmail us to give them want they want. Just because you don't want to sleep doesn't mean I don't want to but they cry and everything is the way they want. Devils I tell you Devils!"

"Hey! Lera's here" I scold as he huffs "and don't let ford hear you" I say amused by his little outburst watching his eyes widen as he looks around. Ford loves kids and Mark's the opposite

"I literally just escaped the kids talk with him" he sighs

"You still don't want kids?"

"I don't. Do I not have the right to not want?" He asks

"You have. You just need to tell ford you don't want kids"I shrug putting lera down to go play with the other children

"That will mean we're going to break up. No thank you"

"Honesty matters in relationships Mark"I say as he sighs

"Forget about me why are you smiling at the devils"

"Like I said I am happy" I smile widely at the kids cheerful looking children He just waves me off

"Well I am glad you are actually feeling something but didn't except happiness seeing something happened between you and your husband"he says obviously

"How did you know?"

"Fourth eyes" he stated

"I won't say we had a problem" I say as he raised his brows in disbelief "I just didn't sleep with him"

"Oh..."he trails not saying anything but giving me a side eye as he takes a sip of his drink

"You are not going to ask why?" I frown in surprise. Mark is nosey and always gives unnecessary outcome 

"I didn't want to be nosey but since you decided to tell me. Go on" he shrugs

"You are the definition of nos-"

"Just tell me why you didn't sleep in your room" he cuts me off eagerly as I roll my eyes in disbelief

"He said he can't tell me what he is hiding from me and I needed to stop my assumptions cause I was thinking to much so I left" I explain

"He said he can't tell you?"he questions as I nod "Divorce." He states

"Do you actually think before you talk?" I really had to ask as I watch him say that word with all seriousness

"Oh... look who is talking about thinking"he says surprised "the damage brain" he huffs as his lips curl up into a annoying smirk

I close my eyes with a sigh genuinely thinking of murdering this human I actually value as a friend

"Fuck you" I grit opening my eyes

"Like I said I rather die" he huffs "but seriously why doesn't he want to tell you?"

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