Chapter 3

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Gemini pov

"Hi" I say enthusiastically as I open the door to find a slightly frowning fourth

"Hey..." He stretches before brushing pass me and entering the house I smile to myself as I close the door

"Thanks for coming"I say as I follow him attentively

"It wasn't really up to me" he comments making my smile widen. I may or may not have threatened him seeing he was mad at me for ignoring him the day before. He doesn't want me to know his place so I threatened him if he doesn't come I am going to find out where he lives not that I can't do that normally but I promise him I won't go researching on him and I've kept to that

"I made lunch" his body immediately turns to mine as his face lit up with glee that made me chuckle a little "pizza"

"My favorite" He says as he looks at me with excitement

"Your favorite"I reply with a smile before stretching out my hand for him he goes to take it but stops as he slowly put it inside his pocket. I frown slightly when I remember his stupid rule. Five meters apart. "Sorry I forgot" I say before tucking my hand away as well and heading to the kitchen with him following behind

"Is your uncle here?" He asks as I put the pizza on the table with him staying at an annoying distance between us. I shake my head saying no passing the food to him "thank you" he smiles sitting down in that same distance

"Come here" I say making him frown as he pout eyeing me "come here" I say again hiding my smile as I sit down on my seat he stood up cautiously coming closer to me

"What?" He questions once he was five meters away from me before he could blink I grab him and put him on the table tickling him. He immediately burst out laughing as he squirms about trying to stop my hand I smile at his desperate pleas as he laughs uncontrollably "S-stop! Gemini!" He screams through his giggles as he continues to squirm about

"Break the rule" I say continuing my assault with a wide smile. He shakes his head squirming as I see his eyes water "Ok"

"S-stop! Please!"

"Not until you break the rule"

"Fine!" He shouts making me stop as he gasp desperately for air resting his head on my shoulder gripping my shirt "That was cruel" he manages to say after a while I smile as he pull away looking at me glossed eyes,those eyes that made my heart beat faster and for once I didn't stop myself from doing what I've always wanted "G-Gemini..." He stutters as I pull him closer to me my body wasn't moving on his own like it did before. I knew exactly what I was doing. This was all me I run my hands down his waist studying his entrancing form my lips eager to meet his own "No"

"Why not?" I groan tightening my grip on his unconsciously pulling him closer as my body screams for more

"B-because it's confusing...." he says pushing me away panting slightly coming down from the table"this is why I don't want to come here" he groans packing his his things and makes his way to the exit. I quickly catch up to him as I slam the door shut from behind him just as he opened it slightly

"Why is it confusing?"I asks as I keep my eyes on his form that was entrapped by me. I know exactly what's confusing I too feel confused myself I have never felt this way about a person and I just met him three weeks ago he makes my body goes haywire and my heart skip a beat every single time his close to me I try so hard not to fall for him cause it's going to be my weakness "tell me why?"

"Because...." He turns around to face me his back against the wall as he looks up at me "you're doing things....that makes me feel"

"Feel what?" I question as my eyes searches his face eager to know I'm not the only one that feels this way. He tries to slip away but I pull him back into the wall keeping his body still with my own bringing him exciting close to me

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