Chapter 22

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I am so sorry for not updating for almost two weeks now. I didn't mean to put y'all on hold. I mistakenly sat on my phone and shattered my screen. Not to brag but I have a fat ass😌.
Anyways I couldn't write cause half of my screen was blank and could only use it for calls.

Thank you for your patience

Please ignore any mistakes and don't forget to vote, comment everything nice

Last chapter btw👀

Fourth pov

The continuous banging on the door causes me to groan in annoyance as my hand slides on the other side of the bed feeling it empty my eyes snap open as I sit up immediately, looking around for my husband

"Babe?" I call looking at the closet to see if he was inside but no response as I left the bed frowning at the constant knocks "babe?" I move to the bathroom but the light was off so he is not there

He must've gone down stairs

"What is it" I groan opening the door to the frightened look on the guard face "what's going on?"

"Sir. B-boss is..." He pauses as my heart drops seeing Ford with tears in his eyes

"W-what's happening..."

"Gemini..."he mutters before sniffing


"Gemini and mark has been kidnapped"he finishes as my heart races with the familiar feelings slicing it's way into my heart


"I-I'm sorr-" I move past them rushing frantically to the operating room

This cannot be happening

Entering the room as I try to stop my incoming panic that tries to fill me momentarily. The operators made the way immediately they saw me as watch the cameras with heavy heart the last one I saw causes my heart to shatter as I watch the video through blurry eyes seeing my husband and mark being lifted by unknown men and taken out of the house

"I am so s-sorry s-"

"How did this happen..."my voice coming out cold suddenly as I curl my hand into a fist

"I-I do n-not k-" Me slamming the monitor with my fist cuts him off as I watch the scene flicker ignoring the blood I saw from the action

"You do not what..." I face towards him to him seeing the fear in his eyes as he stares shakily at me "you do not what..."I repeat moving towards him as he cowers but I grip him by his collar pulling him closer"You do not what?!!" I yell my voice booming through the room 

"I-I'm so s-sorry sir" he begs shakily "I-I am so sorry"

"Fourth let's calm down" Win says pulling my hand from his collar as the man scrabbles away from me "this is not going to help" I run my hands through my hair as I try to stop my raging emotions wiping the tear that run down my face

Deep breaths fourth. Deep breaths.

"How did they even enter the house?" Ford mutters

"That's not what's important right now" win says "The question is who did this?"

"Sir they all are wearing the same symbol" Faluk says as he narrow his eyes on the screen before it widen "M-mr Kasem...."

Of course

"His uncle?" Satang asks confused

"You won't understand babe" Win says patting his confused boyfriend's back. I checked my body for my phone realizing I was in a pyjamas as I rush back to my room ignoring the liquid I felt run down my finger I entered my room going straight to the night stand and calling the unwanted specimen he picks up immediately like he was already expecting my call

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