Chapter 2

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Fourth pov

I blink my eyes repeatedly to adjust to the bright light that invades my retina. Everything looks the same,the cream painted walls, leather couches with a soft blue, fluffy rug that was yet to be changed. I shift the sole of my feet at the sound of the laugh and giggles I know to well my ears turn up as I rush towards it bolting down the polished stairs with all the speed my legs could offer

"I hope he will like it"The voice I could recognize anywhere say before the laugh and giggles arose again . The kitchen

My legs moved slowly and cautiously to the kitchen to see his lean figure pressed against the door frame as he held a mug between his fingers. I took a hesitant step towards him as he smiled widely at me making my heart beat faster I felt my eyes welling in tears at the joy that flooded me

"Good morning baby" he says gesturing me over as I felt myself smile rushing over to him

"Breakfast is ready" the chef voice drags my eyes momentarily but when I look back he was no longer there


"No please!" I beg looking back,to see the chef fading away also "No!" I yell as I search the house for him.

It was empty

It turned dark suddenly as I was outside that same place all again the autumn leave scattered around me as I tried to stand up but my knees stayed planted on the heavy ground like they was once upon a time. Tears glide down my cheeks without permission

" could you?" He cries making my heart shatter all at once

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" I cry desperately as I hear his voice but couldn't see him

"....I trusted you....I loved you.. you said loved me too..." The familiar words looming over me and the whirling wind around me drown out the rest

"I do! I love you!" I scream as the wind grows stronger before everything disappeared the voices,the winds everything became void as I cry holding unto my chest

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"

I fill my lungs with air as my eyes snap open. My heart beat races at the familiar fear of reality,the truth resurging slowly as my eyes dart around my room

It was all a dream. Again

I mentally sigh wiping the tears I felt on my face as I stood up heading to the bathroom. My eyes catches my appearance in the mirror not at all surprised by the dark circles under my lifeless looking eyes mindlessly brush my teeth as my eyes spotted the cream on the sink,so many memories existed in this spot it stung me to remember them but I couldn't help it

I missed him

I felt him all around me,his laugh,felt his skin against my own every single inch of him I knew by heart I remembered every little thing about him

I lean my head against the shower tiled wall as the cold shower hit my skin shivering slightly I tried to wash away the dream I had. It was unforgiving. A unforgettable reminder for the horrible things I did. The hurt and pain in his eyes still hunt me that I go days without sleep. I turn off the shower going to finish my morning routine before heading downstairs

"Good morning sir" Faluk greets as soon as I reach the last stairs as I stare blankly at him

"Why am I here?"

"You were drunk last night and I c-"

"I told you never to bring me to this place"My voice sounding deep strained coming out cold glaring at him as he bends his head apologizing "this should be the last time"

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