Chapter 12

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Fourth pov

"Say ah...." Gemini coos putting his spoon of food in front of my mouth I open without second thought humming as soon as the food enter my mouth

"You guys are literally eating the same thing" Satang groans giving us the side side I shush him doing a mini dance of happiness when Gemini cleans my mouth with a tissue

"Go get a boyfriend" I shrug

"Huh.." Gemini frowns in surprise staring at Satang"you're single?"

"Hard to believe" Satang sighs

"Not hard but okay" I mutter but he continues ignoring me

"Falling in love is easy but the feeling being reciprocated,that's the issue..."he drawls pointing his spoon at Gemini

"You have someone you like?"

"He's straight"


Ok I might be overseeing things if that's a word I don't know but why did Wins eyes twitch that's literally surprising cause Win never shows expression on his face like never you can't know when he's sad, happy, annoyed nothing he was so hard to read that I had to read a books of formal word to know how to communicate with him even when he scolds you which was scary cause imagine being scolded by someone with no emotions on their face but I learnt to deal with it. He could literally tell you he is happy with the most straightest face you have ever seen

He may look cold, uncaring and unapproachable but he has the softest heart we were literal opposite of each other that's how we became close but I just had to fuck it up

"Because I like you I'm going to tell you the truth" Meek voice pulls me out of my thoughts I look to see her with my wallet as I frown in disbelief checking my pocket "I may or may not have taken 100 bucks from you"

"How did you..." She shrugs putting my wallet in front of me

"I don't normally do this but I may or may not have taken 100 bucks from my mom's and want to repay it back" she explains as I watch her in amusement I'm not even annoyed just amazed that a kid pickpocket me "being a child is hard"

"You've some skills" I admit

"I know"

"We are back" Ford announces smiling widely as mark look like he'd see heaven

"Seriously in a public toilet..."Satang sighs shaking his head "No manners"

"It's more fun" ford shrugs before smirking "you just can't relate"

"Fuck you"

"So what next?" Gemini asks resting back his top pulling up more as I used the napkin on the table covering his abs as he huffs in amusement shaking his head

"I'll just keep this here" I Pat the napkin

"What next?" Satang asks confused

"You guys brought us out...we were planning on staying in"

"Oh right...." He trails looking win who hasn't spoken a single word just focusing on whatever he was doing with his phone "there's a reason why I brought you guys out" he says as I raised my brows in question "I want you guys to reconcile"

That sentence made Win look up so fast that I taught he's neck snapped he narrows his eyes before rolling them. I sigh looking at ford who was sulking a little. I watch as satang cautiously faces Win

"Win yo-"


"You have to ta-"


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