New year's special

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Gemini pov

"Ho. Ho. H-"

"Kob hurry the fuck up!" Fourth yells in annoyance but receive a scoff in response "they'll leave you if your ass isn't here in a minute"

"Can't we just leave without him" kovit mutters, lera nods in agreement eating her snack "let him just stay with you g-"

"No!" I yell before clearing my throat "I mean..... He must go with guys"

"You guys need to chill. You can't rush perfection" kob says coming down from the stairs "I want to leave this country looking good. I need women to stare that me"

"Ok. Everyone listen up" I say ignoring him. This brings all their attention towards me including Tu who has kira on her lap "you guys are leaving this country with Mark, Tu is in charge. That means you listen to her and you don't question her"

"But what if she isn't reasonable" Kob inject making me send a glare his way "it's a valid question?!!"

"Do you want to stay here?"

"Nope. I'm going to keep my mouth shut now" he mutters clasping his lips

"Good. As I was saying, Tu is in charge. No playing around, even if she's being unreasonable you listen to her. I don't not want to hear any troublesome things you did,be on your good selfs and please don't disturb us with calls" I say begging them with all my heart. I needed this week, more than I care to admit. I love the kids, I really do but they are stopping me from banging my husband at least once a day. Fourth and I are lucky if we even get once a week and I was getting desperate "the only call we want to see is when you guys arrived"

"We won't be troublesome" Tu says as she hands kira her bottle. Kira eats more than everyone in this house and she's just a smoll little munchkin

"There's enough food packed in your bags, everyone has each of theirs" Fourth says pointing at the bags packed in the booth "there is money with Tu Incase"

"No fighting" I warn pointing at them "I don't want to hear any fight between you guys"

"Ok sir" kovit huffs

"Good" I smile at them "if you need anything call mark and Ford and if they didn't pick call win and satang,if they didn't pick call uncle hiran. And if none of them pick, figure it out don't you dare call us"

"What if we are dieing?" Kob questions

"Then you better be on your last breath making that call" I say "Okay that's it. Now give me a hug"

Lera tackles me first,she was as tall as my feet as she hugs my leg tightly. She is growing up to fast

"Love you gem" she says as I bend to peck her cheeks

"Love you princess" I pat her head before she runs to fourth

"See you in a week" Tu says hugging me with kira between. I kiss her head tickling her a little as she giggles cutely trying to stop my hand. I'm going to miss that smile

"Take care of them Tu"

"I will" she promised before going to fourth

Kovit inches his way towards me before letting his hand snake around my waist in a tight hug while I kissed his head

"I packed a couple new books for you, don't finish them tonight" I say making a smile to tug it's way to his lips

"Thank you" he mutters pulling away from me as I was immediately hugged by kob making me groan

"Going to miss you too kob"

"Can I make lasagna?"

"Just don't burn the kitchen" I mutter kiss his head "have a good trip"

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