Amora vs Frost

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Amora: "You have tough talk for someone who hasn't won a single fight

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Amora: "You have tough talk for someone who hasn't won a single fight."
Frost: "And how many fights have you won?"
Amora: "More than you, that's for certain."

Frost: "You don't respect me!"
Amora: "Respect is earned, Frost."
Frost: "No, respect is givin."

Amora: "And I thought Kung Lao's ego was bad."
Frost: "You will fear me, Amora!"
Amora: "No, I will finish you!"

Frost: "No Edenian can defeat me."
Amora: "They can't, or is that what your delusional-mind tells you?"
Frost: "It's what I know, Amora."

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