Circe vs Amora

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Amora: "You did well leading us into battle

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Amora: "You did well leading us into battle."
Circe: "I just wish it wasn't against Grace or the Athenians."
Amora: "She made her choice. All you can do now is live with it."

Amora: "Are Athenian's and Edenian's a lot alike?"
Circe: "Besides us aging extremely slow together, no we are not."
Amora: "Explain more of your culture, Circe. I'm interested."

Circe: "So Shao Kahn is your biological father."
Amora: "Does that mean I'll inherit his cruelty?"
Circe: "Just because you have his genes, doesn't mean you'll become him."

Circe: "Your mother pitted our realms against each other."
Amora: "How so?"
Circe: "She sent a spy to kill me."

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