Nimerah vs Jacqui

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Nimerah: "Get out of my way, Jacqueline

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Nimerah: "Get out of my way, Jacqueline."
Jacqui: "Killing the people who hurt you, isn't the answer."
Nimerah: "Who said that was my plan?"

Nimerah: "What kind of training exercise is this?"
Jacqui: "One where I test some new gear on you."
Nimerah: "Hope it's strong enough to withhold an Earthquake."

Jacqui: "Uncle Johnny says your in to him."
Nimerah: "And... uh... how did he figure that out...?"
Jacqui: "I thought he was joking, but your serious?!"

Jacqui: "So Athenians are like Edenians?"
Nimerah: "We have few similarities, but for the most part, no."
Jacqui: "Then show me what makes you guys stand out, Nimerah."

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