Ace vs Jacqui

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Ace: "You should choose your fights carefully

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Ace: "You should choose your fights carefully."
Jacqui: "You don't think I can beat you?"
Ace: "I beat you once. What makes you think you'll fair any better this time?"

Jacqui: "You and I share the same pain."
Ace: "Difference being you have him back. I do not."
Jacqui: "We will find a way to cure them, Ace."

Ace: "You must train more, if you want to go to Outworld."
Jacqui: "I've been there before, and nothing bad happened."
Ace: "That's not what Kotal said."

Jacqui: "You were once part of SF?"
Ace: "Before you and Cassie became soldiers."
Jacqui: "Tell me more, Ace."

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