Circe vs D'vorah

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Circe: "You are remorseless killer

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Circe: "You are remorseless killer."
D'vorah: "Don't act like you weren't once the same, Circe."
Circe: "There's a difference between weren't and still are, D'vorah."

Circe: "The Kytinn are disgusting creatures."
D'vorah: "You call it disgusting, This One calls it normal."
Circe: "Of course you would, D'vorah."

D'vorah: "Kytinn aren't to be messed with, Sorceress."
Circe: "Then why play with fire, D'vorah?"
D'vorah: "We must, in order to survive."

D'vorah: "You can't fight many Kytinn."
Circe: "Go ahead, underestimate me at your peril."
D'vorah: "Don't blame This One for not giving you a warning."

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