Ace vs Erron Black

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Erron Black: "Why did you leave Outworld, when it's so entertaining here?"Ace: "There is nothing entertaining about senseless violence

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Erron Black: "Why did you leave Outworld, when it's so entertaining here?"
Ace: "There is nothing entertaining about senseless violence."
Erron Black: "Might as well be, Ace."

Ace: "Guns are for the weak, Black."
Erron Black: "How, if they're an easier way to get the job done."
Ace: "You call it easy. I call it the cowards way out."

Erron Black: "You didn't tell me Outworld was full of crazies."
Ace: "You said it's violence was entertaining, now their crazy?"
Erron Black: "I didn't know it was the crazies doing the violence."

Erron Black: "Is there a better offer joining the Lin Kuei?"
Ace: "Why, when you already serve a Kahn in Outworld?"
Erron Black: "Just keeping my options open, Ace."

Ace: "You have no honor."
Erron Black: "Honor doesn't pay my bills."
Ace: "And what bills are you paying in Outworld?"

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