Nimerah vs Baraka

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Nimerah: "So your people eat real human

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Nimerah: "So your people eat real human... flesh?"
Baraka: "If you want, you can be next."
Nimerah: "No thanks, Baraka."

Baraka: "Tarkatan's and Athenian's were both mistreated."
Nimerah: "Your people died in the battlefield. Mine died in his Palace."
Baraka: "Together, we will rise against him."

Nimerah: "I still doubt your loyalty to the new Kahn."
Baraka: "I've already proven it to the her."
Nimerah: "Then why do I hear your loud mouth talking to Shao Kahn late at night?"

Baraka: "We can teach you Tarkatan ways, Nimerah."
Nimerah: "If I say yes, will I have to eat human flesh?"
Baraka: "Yes."

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