Ace vs Kabal

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Ace: "How much should you pay?"Kabal: "Pay for what?"Ace: "Pay for the countless lives you have helped destroy

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Ace: "How much should you pay?"
Kabal: "Pay for what?"
Ace: "Pay for the countless lives you have helped destroy."

Ace: "The Black Dragon just don't know when to quit, do they."
Kabal: "It's not in our contract."
Ace: "Is your death in the contract as well?"

Kabal: "There's a price on your head, Ace."
Ace: "And you've been sent here to collect it?"
Kabal: "Well I'm not here on a friendly visit."

Kabal: "You can't reform me, Ace."
Ace: "I've learned to stop trying, Kabal."
Kabal: "That's very wise of you."

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