Nimerah vs Skarlet

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Skarlet: "Why is it you keep me from your blood?"Nimerah: "Because it is not for sale, Skarlet

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Skarlet: "Why is it you keep me from your blood?"
Nimerah: "Because it is not for sale, Skarlet."
Skarlet: "If Shao Kahn requires it, then it is."

Nimerah: "Your loyalty to Shao Kahn is pathetic."
Skarlet: "He freed me from the cruel pains of Outworld's streets."
Nimerah: "And made you his slave."

Nimerah: "Your addiction to Blood Magic isn't a healthy one."
Skarlet: "Shao Kahn would disagree."
Nimerah: "A man not known for his intelligence."

Skarlet: "Of all blood, Athenian is rarer than Edenian."
Nimerah: "How is that, Skarlet."
Skarlet: "Because only one Athenian remains alive."

Skarlet: "How pleased Shao Kahn would be to find out I killed you."
Nimerah: "He won't be because you can't, Vampire."
Skarlet: "I'm a blood god, not a winged Vaternian, Nimerah."

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