Grace vs Cetrion

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Grace: "I don't worship Elder Gods

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Grace: "I don't worship Elder Gods."
Cetrion: "Why do you have little faith in us."
Grace: "Because you never answer mortal prayers."

Grace: "Your beef with Raiden is pathetic."
Cetrion: "Of course a mortal wouldn't understand how important balance is."
Grace: "Sometimes balance isn't the way to go, Cetrion."

Cetrion: "Your fate is sealed, Grace."
Grace: "I decide my fate, Cetrion."
Cetrion: "Not when it's been decided for you."

Cetrion: "If I were Times Keeper, I wouldn't have made you the Athenian Queen."
Grace: "Reality is often disappointing."
Cetrion: "Not for much longer."

Cetrion: "I've seen through time, Grace."
Grace: "I could care less what my fate is."
Cetrion: "Your fate is to burn in the Netherrealm."

Grace: "I don't fear you, Goddess."
Cetrion: "I only wish you hear me out, not fear me."
Grace: "I will do neither."

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