Circe vs Rain

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Circe: "Argus was Edenia's protector, not it's ruler

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Circe: "Argus was Edenia's protector, not it's ruler."
Rain: "I should be fit to do both."
Circe: "With that oversized ego of yours, I would say your fit for neither, Rain."

Rain: "You will serve once again. There is no alternative."
Circe: "Me, serve?! What kind of joke is that?"
Rain: "A joke that will come true, Athenian."

Circe: "I knew Argus, and I will say he was a good man, but he did have his skeletons."
Rain: "And if he hadn't had left, I wouldn't be one of them."
Circe: "Don't blame a dead man for your own actions, Rain."

Rain: "Your Athenians should be lead by a God, not a woman."
Circe: "That's how it's been, and that's how it will always be!"
Rain: "Times are changing, Circe."

Circe: "You deserved Tanya's fate."
Rain: "You prefer me to her?"
Circe: "She wasn't a good person, but I could stand her a lot more then you."

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