Ace vs Frost

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Ace: "I'm taking you back to Sub-Zero, Frost

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Ace: "I'm taking you back to Sub-Zero, Frost."
Frost: "I'm never going back there again."
Ace: "For the safety of others, you must."

Frost: "You respect a man who has barely anything to teach."
Ace: "He taught you? Isn't that saying something?"
Frost: "The only benefit of his teachings."

Ace: "Killing innocents won't get you the attention you seek."
Frost: "But it is proving how weak they are and how strong I am."
Ace: "All it's proving is how irredeemable you are."

Frost: "From Assassin to another, I can learn something from you."
Ace: "You had a chance to learn, but you passed up on it."
Frost: "Sub-Zero was teaching me how to save, not kill."

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