Nimerah vs Jade

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Nimerah: "You Edenians and us Athenians can still be allies

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Nimerah: "You Edenians and us Athenians can still be allies."
Jade: "After Grace's stunt, Kitana isn't open to trusting your race just yet."
Nimerah: "We'll win back her trust for as long as it takes, Jade."

Jade: "You are not responsible for Grace's crimes."
Nimerah: "It still doesn't help the guilt I feel."
Jade: "You won't always feel like this."

Nimerah: "So, Jade... you and Kotal?"
Jade: "You judge us, Nimerah?"
Nimerah: "No, I just think it's an interesting pairing."

Jade: "You and Reiko were once a thing?"
Nimerah: "It was a mistake, not a thing."
Jade: "If you say so, Nimerah."

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