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TITLE: Look, (don't) touch
AUTHOR: chapelinahospital on AO3

TITLE: Look, (don't) touch AUTHOR: chapelinahospital on AO3

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Reo was already lucky if Nagi was willing to do missionary. Ninety-percent of the time, he had to ride Nagi if he wanted sex.

Not that he had ever minded, but he did now, because they weren't even talking. And he still felt unwanted, in spite of the fact that it was Nagi who had dragged Reo to his team's empty dorm room. It was Nagi who had pushed Reo onto the bed that was obviously his own, its state of utter disarray giving it away. It was Nagi who was kissing Reo in earnest, at least for a solid five seconds before he got too comfortable and let the other take the lead. Used, taken for granted: those were the words.

"Seriously?" Reo pushed himself up and pulled away from Nagi, who was now lying on his back and had yanked Reo down for another kiss. "You left me, humiliated me. Then you pull me over here like nothing ever happened and you're still making me do the work?"

Nagi only blinked at him, expression almost blank with a hint of impatience.

There was a bitter taste in Reo's mouth. If this was Nagi's way of making up with him, telling him he missed him, that he was sorry, Reo wasn't fucking having it. He missed Nagi. Badly. But those feelings were quickly replaced with anger - worse, disappointment.

"Oh, whatever."

Two could play this game.

It was a perfect conditional statement: if Nagi wanted something, Reo would give it to him.

So, Reo did cave in. He wanted it, too, after all. This time, however, he faced away from Nagi as he rode him. His eyes instead focused on the white paint on the wall, trying not to think about whose bed that was across from Nagi's.

While this wasn't exactly new, he always faced Nagi. And Nagi thought he was very cute doing so: the way he would try to hold eye contact and fail as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his face contorted in pleasure, the way his nipples perked up, the way his hardness twitched and leaked precum all over Nagi's abdomen.

When he had no more strength in his body to sit upright, he always lazily littered kisses and marks all over Nagi's neck and chest; he would continue to just as lazily roll his hips with Nagi still in him, grinding his own cock in between their stomachs, begging for Nagi to at least help him out and thrust upwards.

And when Nagi did, he got to see Reo's face and expressions up close, even take him in an open-mouthed kiss when he got too loud, so he could swallow down his own throat all the noises he would coax out of Reo.

Nagi loved it for all these reasons, but this, now, was certainly a view.

They had been together for so long, but this was the first time he'd ever gotten to really look at Reo from behind, to trace his eyes along the dip of his spine and the curve of his waist, to fully appreciate the plumpness of his ass and the way it shaked with every bounce.

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