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TITLE: Bad Idea
AUTHOR: porplelien on AO3

TITLE: Bad IdeaAUTHOR: porplelien on AO3

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Reo wasn't going to say yes at first.

Because he knew it was a bad idea.

Anything that involved a certain whiny white-haired baby was always a bad idea.

Their breakup was messy, at least for Reo. Messy enough for him to change countries.

Life in America wasn't awful, but he missed Japan and his friends. So Reo thought, screw it, that white-haired brat couldn't dictate his life from miles away.

Stupid Nagi, stupid feelings.

But the moment Reo walked into the club, he knew he should've been smarter. It was cool catching up with his friends, grabbing a drink or two, but seeing Nagi again? Especially how much he'd changed? It hit Reo like a ton of bricks.

And that's how he found himself downing his third shot of tequila.

Maybe Reo should've walked up to Nagi and tried to make a scene like Nagi had done back in college. But he was more mature than that, right? Or was he?

He downed another shot.

While he was drinking, some guy slid up to him. "Hey, want a drink?"

"Thanks, but I'm good," Reo replied, already getting annoyed by this random dude hitting on him. Where the hell did his friends disappear to? He squinted at the blurry clock - seemed like it was past midnight.

The guy wouldn't let up. "How 'bout a good time? I'd love to see you bounce on my-"

In an instant, a bottle shattered against the man's head, not letting him finish his sentence.

"He told you, he isn't interested."

Reo's gaze shifted upwards as the familiar voice reached his ears, and he immediately regretted it.

There he was, Nagi Seishirou, standing right in front of him.

Why did Nagi have to be the one sticking around? Why did Reo's luck have to be this terrible?

Nagi had undeniably gotten hotter. Piercings dotted his ear and near his eyebrows, and there was a phoenix tattoo down his arm. His shirt hugged his muscles like a second skin, and Reo couldn't help but feel a little weak in the knees.

He was blaming all on the alcohol.

Nagi's eyes held something, but Reo's vision was too blurred to figure it out.

Without a word, Nagi plopped down next to him and ordered a drink. Well, if Nagi wasn't going to make the first move, neither was Reo.

Nagi was knocking his drink back like there was no tomorrow, looking just as out of it.

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