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TITLE: Genesis
AUTHOR: porplelien on AO3

"Just dive into the community," Chris Prince said

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"Just dive into the community," Chris Prince said. "It will be harmless," he said. Well, guess what? It's been anything but harmless for poor Reo Mikage. This Twitter hellhole has turned his life upside down, and he's three existential crises deep.

Picture Reo, three hours into this madness, eyes glued to his phone screen, and what does he come across? Not stock market updates or breaking news. No, sir. Instead, he's bombarded with pornographic artwork of him and his best friend, Nagi.

"What the actual fuck?!" Reo muttered to himself, his face turning various shades of red as he clicked away from one explicit artwork to the next. Each image seemed to be more outrageous than the last, and he couldn't help but feel a strange mix of horror and embarrassment.

And here's the real kicker: Reo kind of enjoys it. He's feeling like Eve taking a bite out of that forbidden apple. Should he be enjoying explicit drawings of himself and Nagi in compromising positions? Probably not, but damn if he isn't entertained by it.

Reo couldn't help but question his own sanity. Here he was, caught in a paradoxical state of misery and amusement, as he witnessed his own fictional debauchery unfold before his eyes. It was like watching a train wreck, except the train was carrying his dignity and self-respect.

Reo should have known it was gonna be a terrible idea from the start when Chris was the one to introduce it.

Well, Reo was already too deep into the rabbit hole, he might as well continue.

'Oh god... how am I even going to look Nagi in the face after this.' Reo thought to himself, slowly the guilt catching up to him.

As he kept scrolling a particular tweet with a link attached to it captured his attention.

The tweet read: 'New NagiReo fic drop!! Childhood friends to lovers, university AU, heavy angst. I am such a sucker for these 2 its UNREAL (made myself cry while writing this)'

Fic...what the hell was that?


Now, let's talk about these so-called 'fics.' Apparently, it's short for 'fan-fiction,' a place where all your wildest fantasies come true. Sounds nice in theory, but when you're the one being shipped with your best friend, it's a whole new level of awkwardness.

Reo dives deeper into this rabbit hole, his eyes widening with every ridiculous story he encounters. First of all, the characterization is way off. Nagi confessing his love first? That lazy bastard wouldn't even admit he's tired, let alone pour out his heart. And Reo being called a "babygirl"? Hell nah! He's a grown-ass man, for fuck's sake!

But wait, there's more! These fics don't make any damn sense. Nagi being "down-bad" for him? Please, spare him the bullshit. And there are even people analyzing their match tapes to support their ship? Talk about delusional!

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