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TITLE: get over it (get under me)
AUTHOR: kokirane on AO3

TITLE: get over it (get under me)AUTHOR: kokirane on AO3

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Nagi wakes up to rain dripping against his neck. 

Fuck, he had just fallen asleep; Nagi squints, disoriented and exhausted, wondering if there’s a window open, wondering if this is a dream — 

Oh, Nagi realizes. Reo’s here. 

So it is a dream. 

(So it’s tears, not rain.) 

Without Reo, Nagi’s been left cold and aching. Reo’s weight on top of his body, Reo’s slim, long fingers wrapping around his cock and guiding it inside of him — those became things that Nagi suddenly can’t sleep without. He needs to feel Reo’s heartbeat, Reo’s soft, shuddering sighs, Reo’s hips pressing against his, Reo’s walls clenching around him — needs to feel Reo, Reo, Reo. No amount of gaming has helped him find relief, and the one time he’d jerked himself off was so half-assed and pathetic that he had to mentally apologize to the ghost of Reo’s touches. He didn’t want to erase them, forget them, and so he aches, instead. 

There has to be an art to it, something that Reo hasn’t taught him yet. How can he find relief? 

Is this revenge, he wonders, but he can only talk to the Reo in his head, can only present the tangle of his thoughts like a bouquet of wires. In his head, it’s fine. In his head, the Reo he knows laughs and smiles and it doesn’t matter that Nagi doesn’t know how to actually talk to him. It doesn’t matter at all. 

But in this dream, it’s the new Reo. 

Reo, crying against his neck silently, one hand over Nagi’s pounding heart and another curled tentatively in his waistband.

So Reo hasn’t touched him, yet, in this dream. That’s okay; Nagi can touch him first. He lifts a heavy hand to stroke Reo’s smooth purple hair, the tips of his bangs damp and stuck to high cheekbones. Nagi brushes the strands back, finds Reo’s eyes swollen and red. 

“Just my luck,” Reo mutters. “Of course you wake up today. ” 

So this isn’t a dream? 

“I can’t sleep,” Nagi says. 

He’s missed Reo since the moment they were separated. He’s sure that others would say they’ve barely been apart, but Reo had laced absolutely every second, minute, hour, day that they were together with pure warmth and adoration. It’s almost like an addiction, and without Reo, it’s cold. It’s like Reo turned him inside out, and showed him how far the depths of emptiness could really go, pushed down further and deeper by something as simple as having a friend — partner — lover?

(Is Reo his lover?) 

Reo was the first one who took interest in a slacker like him, who believed in him, saw him as the key to a dream that felt as big as the whole world. If it weren’t for Reo, Nagi wouldn’t know just how fun soccer could be. He wouldn’t know about these feelings of passion, frustration, determination.

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