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TITLE: chase me
AUTHOR: qrina on AO3

Reo almost drags Nagi off the field and into bed after the match

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Reo almost drags Nagi off the field and into bed after the match.

"I want you," Reo says, stupid words about to spill out of his mouth like I've never wanted you more and You came back to me, but he's a smart person who always gets a little stupid around Nagi. His greatest treasure. "I have to have you."

"Yeah, Reo," Nagi says. "Same."

Reo pushes him onto the bed, watching those precious lanky limbs sprawl across the sheets. He climbs on top of Nagi and kisses him fiercely. He missed his lips desperately. How long has it been? Weeks, months? It felt like an eternity without him.

The sweat on their jerseys is mixing together as they grind together. It's gross, but it turns Reo on when they fuck after matches. He knows from experience that Nagi either doesn't notice the sweat or doesn't care.

He sits up, straddling Nagi, grinding his clothed erection against Nagi's. Nagi huffs with arousal, and his eyes look up at Reo like he's waiting for his next move.

As he should.

"You're mine." Reo is barely holding back the urge to grab Nagi by the throat and force him to say it back. "I need you," is what Nagi had said on the field. It was everything Reo had wanted to hear him say. He had fantasized about that moment endlessly. He had wanted Nagi to grovel in front of him, to say he was sorry and wrong, to explain that he had come to the realization that they were meant to be together.

But that wouldn't have been Nagi. Nagi said a mere three words with a little emotion behind them and Reo was instantly all-in. Despite his best instincts, despite his anger, despite his feelings of being betrayed and ignored and abandoned. He wanted to hurt Nagi back; he wanted to refuse him in the cruelest way possible and leave him floundering on the field.

But if he did that, then he wouldn't have been Reo, either. Clawing his way back to the surface, he came back to Nagi willingly, eagerly, ashamed and exhilarated and horny. He had missed Nagi in more ways than one.

"Tell me what you said during the match," Reo says, grasping Nagi's chin.

"I need you?" Nagi says, his cheeks puffing out.

"Like you said it then."

"I need you, Reo."

Reo groans. He digs his fingers into Nagi's slim hips and pulls Nagi's shorts off, then his own. Thinking again, unable to make up his mind, he scoots up on the bed until he's straddling Nagi's shoulders. His cock prods at Nagi's mouth.

Nagi opens up obediently. Reo pushes in, relieved by the wetness of his mouth. Nagi doesn't move his tongue or anything that would require real effort, but he's happy to let Reo fuck his mouth, sliding deeper with every thrust.

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