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George creates a chat
George adds 2023 drivers
George adds Danny 
George adds Mick
George names the chat: Grid Chaos

George: Hi guys 👋

Lando: Hey George ☺

Carlos: Here we go again

George: Hey, what do you mean by that 😒


Nando: He means absolutely nothing by what he said

Alex: Why r there so many chats????

Super Max: Yeah, there's a chat called 'No Lewis'

Charles: Well that would be a chat with all of us in except from Lewis

George: Yep, Charles is correct

Super Max: that will be my favourite chat then

Pierre: Why would we need a chat like that tho?????

George: So that there is a chat without each of the drivers so we can plan surprises and other things in them without the driver in question knowing about it

Alex: That is actually a good idea for a change

Lance: Is there a reason why there is a chat named 'No 1 & 44'

George: YES

Lando: So there is a chat without the drama

Super Max: Erm, we don't bring drama

Estie: Hahahahahahahahahahaha 🤣

Yuki: Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣

Zhou: That has to be the funniest thing ive heard all year

Alex: all year????

Alex: the funniest thing ive heard all decade

Charles: nah, all century

Lando: all melenium

Carlos: u mean all millennium

Lando: yes, that is what i meant

Nando: Lets not have a competition on who can come up with the longest time period

Nando: But i agree, it was funny

Super Max: What do you mean by we bring drama

Checo: When im in the cool room with you guys, i can cut the tension with a knife

Charles: Same here

George: And here

Carlos: Here as well

Nando: I can also

Super Max: Oh

Super Max: I have a question

Alex: Go on

Super Max: Why am I the only one with a nickname

Estie: Technically I also have one as well

Nando: And me

George: Yeah, thats because your guys names r too long

Super Max: Well what about mine

George: I had the Super Max song stuck in my head 🤷‍♂️

Pierre: Where r the rest of the drivers

Yuki: What do u mean?????

Pierre: Well we haven't heard from quite a lot of the grid

Lando: I think that Oscar is too shy

Oscar: Erm, hi 👋

Logan: Hi as well

Nyck: Hiya guys 👋

Super Max: The rookies are alive!!!!!!!!

Mick: Sorry guys, was just doing sim work

Mick: Also, why am I here

George: U r a third driver as is Danny so I just added both of u 

Alex: Plus we miss u driving on the grid

Mick: Awww 😊, thanks guys

Lance: Still no Danny, Lewis, Valtteri, Kevin or Nico

Zhou: I think that Val is out with Lewis and Danny

Checo: Can confirm, I'm there as well

Mick: Kev is most likely not giving a shit about the chat

Kevin: I exist

Nico: Same

Kevin: Also Mick is correct

Oscar: Lando, Zak said that we r needed

Lando: Shoot, gotta go guys

Alex: See ya Lando

Super Max: Doei Lando

Lando goes offline
Oscar goes offline

Charles: Hmm, wonder what theyre needed for

Logan: To film a video

Logan: erm, Oscar told me 

Estie: Yeah we're needed as well

Pierre: See everybody later


A/n: This book is completely separate from all my other books so there will be completely different ships. It is also not purely a groupchat book even though there will be lots of chat elements to the book

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