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After the race

Nyck got out of his Alpha Tauri alongside the Mercedes of Lewis and Red Bull of Max, a race winner. Their plan had worked out and he had managed to win a race. Even though his win was planned, Nyck still felt the thrill and excitement of actually winning a race, and the anticipation of standing on the top step of the podium. Both Max and Lewis came over straight away and congratulated him.

"Congratulations Nyck," Lewis said, clapping Nyck on the shoulder.

"Yeah, you really deserved that mate," Max added, giving Nyck a massive hug.

"Thanks guys, but obviously I wouldn't of been able to do it without the help and agreement beforehand," Nyck said.

"Yeah, actually about that," Lewis started.

"That was all you Nyck, you won the race all on your own, we didn't do anything," Max finished, giving his fellow countryman a soft look.

"Well, at least me and Max didn't do anything, you got past us on your own merit," said Lewis.

"B-B-But what about the stuff in the chat the other day," Nyck stuttered, confused.

"Well, when you came upon us, we realised that you didn't need any help to get past us, your sub-par performances I think were due to a lack of confidence in the car," Lewis explained.

"Yeah, I think that, that was down to Helmut and now you had our backing and no pressure to do well,  you just drove," Max said.

"Oh, that was all me?" Nyck said, still quite stunned.

"Yep, but Helmut doesn't deserve you anyway," Max said decidedly as Nyck gave a smile.

The conversation had to come to an end as they were informed that it was time to go and get ready for the podium. Nyck was waiting anxiously in the wings as the other two drivers went out onto the podium ahead of him. Then it was time for himself to walk out. His first ever podium in formula one and he was on the top step. He walked out to the roar of the crowd and the applause of Max and Lewis. Then it was time for the national anthems to be played followed by the trophies being given out. Before being aware of what was going on, Nyck found himself being drenched in champagne by the others on the podium with him.


After the podium celebration all the drivers found themselves being rushed off to do the post race press conferences with Nyck, Lewis and Max doing the top three press conference in the media room. There was no surprise from any of them that there were a lot of questions about Nyck's win.

"So, a question for Nyck, how does it feel to have your first win in formula one and where has this win come from in a car that has not been at all near the front of the pack?" one of the journalists asked.

"Well, I mean it obviously feels special to have a win in formula one. Erm, and to be honest I just drove the car today, I didn't feel any pressure so just drove and managed to get a win," Nyck answered.

"And a question for Max and Lewis, how do you feel about Nyck's win and what do you make of his win, do you feel that there is something behind the win?" another journalist asked.

"First of all, and I'm sure that Max will agree, I feel extremely proud of Nyck for getting his first win in formula one," Lewis started.

"Yes I do agree, I mean both me and Lewis have close connections to Nyck so it is extra special," said Max, "and I'm also going to answer the second part of the question if that is okay with Lewis."

"Go ahead, it's all yours Max."

"Right, if you are in some way insinuating that something has been done to make Nyck's car faster, or that Nyck's car is in someway illegal then shame on you. Nyck is a fantastic driver who has just struggled with confidence in an extremely tricky car to drive so the moment that he picks up confidence and manages to put in a good performance, you immediately say 'oh it must be the car' rather than saying 'what a fantastic drive from Nyck' then you wonder why Nyck has not been performing to standard. He can't win can he. If he does a good job then it's the car but if he does a bad job, then its the driver. So I say that there is nothing behind this win except an absolute ton of talent in Nyck," Max said, absolutely tearing into the journalists whilst Lewis was sat back with a smirk on his face.

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