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Lewis: guys who's missing a jumper

Mick: what????

Pierre: that's a bit random

Nando: oh there's a pair of socks without an owner as well

Lewis: Oh I know who those r

Yuki: why do u have a random jumper

Lewis: someone left it at my apartment after last night

Zhou: oh yeah it was the movie night wasn't it

Danny: yeah

Lewis: and there's a lot of items of clothing left behind

Lewis: mainly jumpers

Oscar: arthur is missing his jumper

Nando: which one is it

Oscar: he said its the plain red one

Danny: ah yeah got it

George: whats the first jumper u found

Nando: it's a blue tye dye one

Estie: that'd be Pierres

Pierre: yeah that's mine

Lewis: and the red tye dye one

Pierre: Esties

Estie: mine

Danny: the pastel tye dye one???

Zhou: I have one like that but it can't be mine I wasn't there

Super Max: I think that it's nycks

Lewis: Nyck I can drop it off at urs before i catch the plane if that suits u or u can come and collect it

Lewis: nyck???? U there????

Nando: ive found a phone

Lando: omg who managed to leave their phone

Carlos: how do u manage to leave ur phone in the first place

Alex: do u know who it belongs to

Danny: we're just charging it atm it had gone dead

Lewis: but i think it might be nycks cause im sure its the case he uses

Mick: that makes sense otherwise he would've answered

Nando: yeah that was our other reasoning

Super Max: i can come and pick his stuff up on my way home

Super Max: im with lando atm

Lewis: okay sounds good


Private chat between Max and Lewis

Lewis: max those socks r urs

Max: oh yeah it's cause im in sliders

Lewis: ill bring them back with me when everyone has left

Lewis: cause i think you've left other things as well

Max: okay it's not like i particularly need them anyway atm

Lewis: 👍


Lewis: okay so nyck will get his stuff given to him by Max

Lewis: r the rest of u okay waiting till Wednesday when we get to Italy

Pierre: yeah me and estie r

Oscar: arthur said that's fine as well

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