814 17 0

Oscar: we kissed 🥰

Lando: who exactly did you kiss?

Nando: yeah we all want to know

Logan: Oscar wrong chat mate

Lewis: and by that you mean you

Nando: well

Nando: yeah

Nando: but also Mark u know what he's like

Lewis: yeah 

Super Max: so Oscar who exactly did you kiss

Oscar: oh shit 😳

Oscar: erm would u believe me if i said no-one???

Zhou: no mate

Lando: nope 🙂

Logan: Osc come to private

Liam: Logs you'd better tell me later

Logan: I will

Oscar: 👍


Danny: looks like he's gone

Nando: well wish me luck then

Carlos: good luck mate

Checo: was nice knowing you

Lance: better get looking for a new teammate then

George: is anyone wondering what Nando was going on about earlier with Lewis

Charles: does anyone know what's up with Arthur???

Mick: I am 🤔

Lando: no mate sorry

Pierre: why whats happened????

Lewis: guys it was nothing 😅

Charles: he sent me a string of '😘' and '🥰' emojis

Alex: sure man, sure

Estie: hmmm, no I don't know what's up with him

Charles: guess I'll just have to hope he replies to me

3 amigos

Oscar: we kissed 🥰

Fred: omg finally

Logan: well?????

Logan: how was it

Oscar: good 🥰🥰🥰

Fred: hes broken Oscar

Logan: u good osc

Oscar: 😘🥰😇🤗😚☺️😊😍

Fred: ill take that as a no then

Logan: looks like Arthur's broken as well

Fred: ????

Logan: according to Charles anyway

Oscar: we're cuddling 😍

Oscar: hes so comfy 🥰

Fred: 🤮

Fred: sickeningly cute

Logan: pls keep it in your pants while you're in the chat

Fred: yeah we don't need to hear all the details

Oscar: fine 😒

Too Many Leclercs

Thur: 🥰😍🥰😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰😍

Char: mate r u good???

Enzo: ur not high r u???

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