902 24 15

The day before the race

Checo: guys, need a little help

Carlos: sup checo

Checo: i need somewhere to hide

Checo: Helmut is after my head

Alex: oh no

Nyck: oh god

Nyck: that must be absolutely terrifying

Checo: it is, now where can i hide from him

Alex: well, when i was at red bull, i used to hide out at williams when helmut was after me

George: its true, he ended up being in my drivers room more often than not

Lewis: hmm, i heard that alex basically had a free pass into williams cause he was there so often

George: yeah he did

Checo: yeah somehow i cant see myself being allowed into williams

Lewis: well come to mercedes then, u can hang out in my drivers room for a while

Lewis: Danny, Val u r welcome to come as well

Checo: on my way

Danny: same

Val: why not

George: Nyck, if u need to hide from Helmut then u r also welcome to join me and Mick at mercedes

Mick: yeah just come whenever u need it

Nyck: thanks, i will probably end up needing it when Helmut cant find checo

Yuki: yeah, id run now Nyck, i overheard Franz on the phone to Helmut

Nyck: right George, im on my way

Lewis: anybody else want to come to mercedes whilst we're at it

Logan: Oscar said that u dont want to many people to go to mercedes otherwise it would get a little suspicious

Zhou: whys oscar not said it

Logan: he has managed to lose his phone, also hes with me

Lando: ah, can u tell Oscar that Tom has his phone

Lando: he left it in the garage

Logan: yeah, and he wants to know where Tom is

Lando: oh, i'll just tell Tom to drop it off at williams

Logan: Oscar said thanks

Super Max: Checo mate, r u safe

Checo: yeah, im at mercedes now

Super Max: thats good, cause Helmut looks like hes out for your blood

Yuki: actually, hes out for Nycks blood

Oscar: bad time, i know, but thanks Lando

Lando: np 😊

Nyck: oh god

Pierre: this isn't gonna end well

Alex: nope, especially talking from past experience

Nyck: perhaps id better just go and face the music

Estie: ive heard people (mainly Brits) say it before but what does it actually mean

Nyck: not sure, George told it to me

Lewis: it means to go and face whats going to happen to you

Estie: ah, good luck then

Pierre: yeah good luck

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