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A week into the summer break in Monaco, Max was ever grateful for Lewis's presence or else he might have started to go insane. Max's father was not happy that Max only got p3 in the previous race and kept trying to harass his son so, Max decided to go and do the only logical thing that he managed to think up and throw his phone out of the window of the apartment. As you can guess, this resulted in the phone breaking. When Lewis came back from shopping, a pouting Max told him what happened to which Lewis just laughed but promised to go with him to buy a new phone, which instead they just ordered online because it was simpler. All of this happened about two hours ago so Max was slowly starting to go insane, except he wasn't because Lewis insisted that they do some baking, with Lewis putting his phone on silent so that it was fair on Max.

At this point, Max was starting to question all of his life's choices that had led up to this point of him co-inhabiting a living space with one of his rivals and being surprisingly civil and domestic with each other. Everything kept leading back to his father and everything that he had done with and to him. Max was eventually thrown out of his spiralling thoughts by flour being dumped all over his head. Spluttering, he got hold of the nearest available item, sugar, and chuck it all over Lewis. Well, most of it ended up all over the floor, but that wasn't the point. Lewis threw something back and Max, and Max threw something back at Lewis. This escalated into a food fight with both of them laughing until the doorbell rang. Lewis paused with a chunk of batter in his hand ready to throw at Max as a truce was momentarily agreed. They both put down the food items that they had ready to throw at each other and made their way to the door. Obviously, Lewis answered the door, it was a delivery person with Max's new phone. Thanking the person, Lewis took the package and closed the door.

"Hey, Lewis who was it?" Max asked from the kitchen where he was trying his best to get the flour out of his hair.

"Delivery person, think it's your new phone," Lewis said back.

"Huh, that was quick," Max said as he came out of the kitchen.

"Yup, how about we tidy the kitchen, have a shower then set up your phone," Lewis suggested, "we can meet back up in the lounge when we've done."

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Max agreed.

About 45 minutes later Lewis joined Max in the lounge, after everything had been cleaned up. It was decided that Max would keep the number that came in the new phone because it meant that he could have a refresh of all of his contacts, although it did also mean that he was now not in the group chat.


Lando: Ugh im sooooo bored

Charles: same

Alex: who decided to plonk a break in the middle of the f1 season

Logan: am not sure but i hope their pleased with themselves

George: soooo, what r people up to

Lando: thought we'd established that we're not doing anything

Pierre: well alpine have forced me and estie to go on a team bonding trip

Estie: yup, so we're currently stuck up a mountain

Yuki: lol, have fun

Pierre: 👆

Pierre: i couldnt find the middle finger emoji

Lance: im surfing

Mick: same

Lance: Mick, your surfing with me

Mick: oh yeah

Nando: Lance, please make sure you come back in one piece

Mick: dont worry fernando, i'll make sure he doesnt injure himself

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