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Alex: Dude, what the fuck was that race

Logan: Im not sure, but i got my first points in f1 🥳

Lando: Well done Logan

Lewis: yeah, well done

Lando: And I just want to say congrats to Oscar who got his first ever podium in f1

Danny: Yay, well done Oscar, I'm so proud of you kiddo

Oscar: Thanks guys

Oscar: I'm sorry that you had a bad race Max

Super Max: Its not your fault Oscar, the car was just extremely unreliable today

Checo: yup, like one minute it was fine, the next the car needed to be put on life support

Carlos: that is the funniest analogy that i have ever heard checo 🤣

Super Max: My engine literally self combusted and blew up 🧨

George: Yeah, how r u doing from that Max

Super Max: Ill survive, at least for now

Mick: At least your dad isnt here

Super Max: yep, thats a blessing

Pierre: who wants to come out for drinks

Lance: is everyone invited

Estie: Yep

Danny: Including me and Mick

Pierre: Especially you two

Mick: Great, we'll be there

Yuki: me and nyck will be there

Lando: yeah and hopefully Oscar will come as well

Alex: well Logan should be coming with me

Oscar: i'll be coming

Charles: thats good, i think arthur should be coming as well with some of the f2 and f3 boys

Logan: okay, this is gonna be chaos

Lando: well Oscar is already halfway out the door

Lando: I guess i'll see the rest of you guys there

Zhou: yep, on our way


Lando was with Oscar just celebrating a good race and a double podium for Mclaren when the invitation came from Pierre to go out for drinks. In his personal opinion, Oscar was a good teammate, just a little shy at times. Now, whilst he was starting to come out of his shell around Lando, that couldn't be said for the rest of the grid other than with Logan, who he knew from the lower formulas anyway. so when the invitation came through for drinks, Lando wasn't sure whether Oscar was going to actually come out with them or not. When Alex said that Logan was going to come, Lando felt immensely grateful as it would mean that Oscar was more likely to go out and socialise with the rest of the grid. As Lando expected, Oscar did accept the invitation to come out.

"Hold on Oscar, wait for me," Lando said as he saw his teammate hurry off when Charles said that the f2 and f3 boys were joining them. Quickly, Lando hurried off after him also quite eager to get to the club and celebrate properly.  

When they got there, the party was already in full swing with Oscar going off with Logan to find the f2 and f3 boys as soon as they got there, leaving Lando worrying about his teammate in the company of Alex in the midst of a lot of chaos. Alex tugged Lando along with him over to where Daniel had already started off a round of shots with George, Charles, Carlos and Max. Mick was also there but wasn't taking part in doing any shots. 

"Hey boys, come to do some shots!" Daniel yelled.

"Hit us up man," Lando replied probably against his better judgement.

Over the course of an hour, Lando and the others he was with had consumed between 6 and 8 shots each, so were all quite wasted. By doing this, Lando had completely forgotten about Oscar and his worry about him earlier. 

Oscar was having a great time despite his initial hesitation when the invitation was first given out. Fred was there so he was catching up with him along with Logan and Ollie. Also there was Dennis, Arthur, Theo and Isack from f2 and Paul, Dino, Sebastian, Zak and Franco from f3. They were all crowded into a corner keeping themselves to themselves, mainly because they didn't really know many of the f1 drivers. All of them had consumed a lot of alcohol but they were nowhere near as wasted as the majority of the other drivers there.

"Hey Oscar," Arthur said from behind him.

"Sup Arthur," Oscar replied once he had gotten over the fright of Arthur standing so close to him.

"Want to go outside for a bit, its getting hot in here."

"Sure, lemme just let Logan know."

After Oscar had informed Logan that he was going outside with Arthur, he followed Arthur to the outside of the club. It was much quieter outside and it was only then that Oscar noticed that his head had started to hurt. 

"You good Oscar?" Arthur asked.

"My head is a bit sore, but I'll be fine."

"We can always go back to your hotel room if you want, you have gone quite pale."

"Okay, lets leave then, my headache it is getting a bit worse now."

They both walked off towards the Mclaren hotel, the only indication they gave that they were leaving was just sending a quick text off. Back inside, a very wasted Lando was swaying on the dance floor with an even more wasted Max, with both of them getting drunk for different reasons. Towards the end of the night, Lando finally remembered that Oscar was supposed to be there so him and Max went over to the f2 and f3 lads to find him.

"WheRe  is Oscar?" Lando asked.

"Oh Oscar left a while ago, with Arthur, I think they are in Oscar's hotel room," Dennis replied.

"Huh, well I'm goin now."

"Yeah, I think that we all will as well."

Any drivers who were still left at that point in the night all left then because it was getting very late and they still all had a flight to catch the next day. Somehow, they did all manage to get to their hotel rooms safely, with a little help from the few drivers who had not drunk that much and would all go and wake up with banging headaches the next morning.

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